Chapter 13

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A month later

Minho was slowly getting better and so was Chan. I stayed with him the whole time to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid. Or start smoking or drinking again.

He's been going out more. We both went back and forth from my house and his house. Seungmin and Jeongin were such a big help as always. Minho wouldn't leave my arms and I wouldn't leave his. We just talked the whole time. I felt myself fall in love with him it's such a short period of time yet I already love him. We kissed two more times after the one from last time.

I woke up too Minho shaking me lightly. He had a smile on his face and he looked like he had showered. "I want to go out with you if you don't mind" He smiled pulling me up.

I slipped on jeans and my favorite t-shirt. Finishing it off with a bucket hat.

Minho pulls me into the car. To where we arrive at a river. There was a small boat, and Minho brought me on it.

He had all sorts of food, he even had cheesecake just for me. "Thank you for helping me through the last month it helps" his voice quiet. "Han Jisung will you be my boyfriend" joy hinting in his voice. The question threw me off but I was so ready to say yes. "YES" I jumped up and hugged him.

"Your finally mine," he says kissing my lips. I kiss him right back.

Time skip

We went back to my house. Jeongin was there with Felix. WAIT FELIX. "Felix," I said with a questioning voice. "Yes, I'm chilling with my boyfriend" my mouth drops. "YOUR HUH" I screamed maybe just a little too loud. "My boyfriend," Felix said again. I looked at minho then jeongin. "YES I GET $20" I jumped up and down. Jeongin mouth dropped "Seungmin didn't have the faith I have I knew it y'all were gonna get together" I chanted. "Where's seungmin anyways" "He's been gone a lot I don't know why" jeongin answered.

I just shrugged. I ran to Minho grabbing his hand. "Let's go cuddle babyyy," I said running upstairs. "YES I GET $20 TOOOOO" I heard jeongin scream.

My new goal was to get close to Felix now because he seemed cool. Maybe he can be a new friend of mine.

"How's chan doing," I said looking over at Minho. "Better, he and changbin are glued to each other so I haven't seen him, I mean I was glued to you" he nervously chuckled. "Sorry about that" he sighed. I lightly slapped his arm " Dont you dare be sorry". He laughed and nodded " okay I won't but cuddles," he said opening his arms. "YES," I squeal.

He jumped onto the bed and jumped into his arms. He lifted my chin and put his lips onto mine. I smiled in the kiss. Too distracted to hear or see my door open. "AHH, WHAT THE FUCK" I heard Seungmin and a voice that sounded like Chan and Changbin.

"FINALLY OH MY GOODNESS" I heard Changbjn scream. "When you were sleeping that's the only time he would text, he would always talk about how warm you are and how cute you look when your sleeping" Changbin listed. Minho face turned as red as a tomato. I looked at him and kissed him again. "You owe me $20," I said looking at Seungmin. "I know I know" he sighed.

"Anyways we were all going to go out, do y'all want to come" Chan spoke up. I looked at Minho and he nodded "Sure". We both stood up and locked hands.

Minho POV

tonight I have to tell him how my brother died

Bucket List// L.M + H.JWhere stories live. Discover now