Chapter 17

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Minho POV

We arrived at the first place Felix recommended. We walked in and I instantly landed my eyes on this dog. It was medium-sized but it was a bulldog. The name tag had Lucy on it. She was brownish with some black fur. Her face had some white on it. (A/N I wanted it to be my dog SORRY LOL)

(Don't mind the mess my siblings were playing)

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(Don't mind the mess my siblings were playing)

"Felix," I said patting his arm. I pointed at the dog. His eyes widened. We went to the front desk which wasn't too far away. "How much is lucy," I said pointing at her. "$2,000" The man looked up then looked back down. (A/N I'm pretty sure bulldogs are expensive)

"I'll buy her," I said. The man got up and got the dog out of the cage. She was instantly energetic. Jumping on me licking my face. She was perfect for Jisung.

15 minutes later

I finished everything and finally got to take Lucy home. I didn't know how I was going to show him the new dog I got him. "Can you distract him till I'm ready" I looked over at Felix. " What are you doing" "I kind of wanted to cook dinner". Felix looked as if he got a big idea.

"Okay, yes you make dinner have someone help you, but after take him on a walk and keep lucy in the car, and then that's when your life surprise," Felix said in an expressing voice. "You are a genius," I said in a high pitched voice.

We kept driving for a little bit till I saw Seungmin. Well, I think he did. He was with a taller male though. "Is that Seungmin" I whispered. "I don't know" Felix whispered back. I heard a picture click and I looked at Felix. "I'm going to ask jeongin" Felix whispered showing me the picture. "Why are we whispering I asked Felix.

"Hm I don't know, it's okay we are dumbasses" Felix starts whispering then stops.

As soon as we got back to the house Felix ran towards Jeongin. I followed behind him and we both walked into our boyfriends crying. "Are you guys okay" we both ran over to them. "W-we are men now" they both pulled down their shirts, they showed us their marks. "Felix, I'm leaving now," I said throwing up a peace sign. "YOUR LEAVING" Jisung screamed. I turned around and opened my arms. He came running into my arms. "Baby I'll be at the house, hang out with Jeongin and Felix" I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "Wow that was hot okay I'll listen to bye babe" Jisung waved off.

I ran back to my car and drove right back to my house. Which wasn't far AT ALL. I grabbed Lucy when I got out of the car. We both went inside my house. "M- YOU GOT A FUCKING DOG" chan screamed but like in a squeaky voice. "It's for Jisung, can you help me make dinner for him" Chan was too distracted by lucy to look at me. "CHAN" He still didn't answer "CHRIS" that's when he looked up. "Whattttt" he groaned out. "Help me make dinner for my handsome boyfriend, that I love very much" Chan's mouth dropped. "LOVE" He ran over to me screaming "awe".

He wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so glad you found him" Chan then slapped my arm. "Me too, it's so nice to not be smoking and to feel happy" I smile to myself and chan smiled. "Now what are you making," he said clapping his hands. "Ummm how about some time of meat" I suggested. Chan immediately ran to the kitchen.

"Let's get this started" he chuckled.

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