Chapter 21

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"BITCH NO DONT DO THAT" I screamed as Minho rubbed hair dye on my stomach. "Gotcha, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't get hair dye on my back" he laughed. "WELL SEE- ugh fine you right" I pout.

Our timer went off. "Do you want to shower or use the sink?" I said looking at him. "Hmm shower for sure" I smiled.

We both took our clothes off. I was completely flustered. It wasn't our first time showering together but I still get flustered.

He looked at me and smiled as the water dripped down my face. He grabbed the shampoo and turned my body around so my back was facing him. He leaned my head back and started applying the shampoo to my head.

His fingers were massaging my head. "You're going to stain your fingers," I said quietly. "I don't care just enjoy it" he whispered in my ear.

I relaxed and he started running his hands through my hair again. He moved behind me and told me to turn around so I did. He started washing my hair with running water.

"My turn" I smiled. We switched places and I did the same thing that he did to me. My hand glided through his hair.

We both turned around and I washed his hair till all the hair dye and shampoo was out. "Thank you, baby," we both said at the same time. A laugh left both of our mouths.

We got out of the shower, we both dried our hair. "Damn Sungie we are hot as FUCK" Minho laughed. "Of course we are".

Hours later

We were both settling down, he was laying on my lap. I was playing with his hair. It was one of his favorite things for me to do.

Life was fun, he made me excited to live. Though my life will be cut short soon, I know with him I'll be able to make the most of it. But I do feel guilty for lying to him.

"Min" I whispered. He hummed in response. "I got to tell you something". He turned around and sat up facing me.

"It's about cancer"


Okay just saying in my book school only lasts a couple of months-long- Thats just bc I realized I set this book timing wrong- but just remember that school is ending soon.

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