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I had to get out of the house. It was too much to handle. I had no reason here anymore. At least I felt like that. Jisung was the other person keeping me alive. Now that I lost him I felt broken, empty everything that could be said.

I went to the place we both visited very often. It was a park. It was a place near a lake. There was beautiful scenery. A beautiful bridge.


"Minho it's so pretty here" jisung smiled looking at all the trees. "It is right" I smiled. "The flowers are so pretty. It's almost silent which makes everything so calming. I just love it here" Jisung smiled. He wrapped his arm around me. I did the same and pulled him into my side. I pulled him into a kiss. Then it started raining. "OH FUCK" I yelled. We both ran for our lives into the car. Once we got there we couldn't stop laughing.

End of flashback

I smiled to myself at the memory. "I'm coming to you jisung" I smiled. With no hesitation, I jumped off the bridge.

everything was black till the light came. The light keeps getting brighter and brighter. Until I saw jisung there with a smile on his face. "I didn't expect to see you this early" he smiled. "What'd I say I can't live without you" I smiled. I saw my mom and mark. I felt happy and at peace.

Chan POV

"Where the hell is he" I whispered to myself. Changbin and I have been trying to get ahold of him for 3 hour. He hasn't answered.

A number called me so I picked it up because it could be minho.

Unknown: Your Minho brother right

Chan: Yes I am why

Unknown: I'm officer Jinyoung and I'm afraid to tell you someone just found your brothers body

Chan: W-what

Jy: I'm sorry but he's dead we think it's suicide

Chan: O-oh b-bye

I hung up the phone. "He's killed himself," I said jumping into Changbin arms. "W-what" Changbin cried.

Everyone was on their way to my house to help look for Minho. When they arrived they didn't expect the news I had to tell them. "He killed himself" I cried.

We all lost 2 beautiful souls that day. But in reality, they couldn't live without each other. They were both so happy and so alive. Minho would've gone back to living in a living hell.

As much as it hurt, for his sake, it was better for him. He didn't have to suffer he was able to be with Jisung. We all knew they both couldn't be without each other.

The end

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