Chapter 5

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Minho POV

Shit shit shit shit. Why is he cute. He looks so huggable. I bang my hand against my head receiving weird looks from all 3 people in the room. "You good" chan says looking at me. "Yeah" I ran up to my room. Slamming the door shut.

Jisung POV

I looked over at Chan and Changbin they had their arms wrapped around each other. They were cute. "You should go check on him," Chan said once he saw me on the stairs. "Um o-okay," I turned back around to head up the stairs again. "He probably thinks he's cute and doesn't know what to do with himself" I heard a voice laugh out downstairs. I mean I know I shouldn't have someone get attached to me or me attached to someone because it won't last long.

I heard a scream from inside a room. So I ran towards that room and opened it. "Is someone dying?" I say calmly. "Oh sorry, I was just screaming in my pillow" A male popped out of the corner of the room. "By the way what's your name," the male said out loud. "It's jisung," I said still standing awkwardly outside his door. "Oh that's a nice name, mines Minho you can come in" once his name hit me I remember who he was. "Minho," I said with a kind of confused voice.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room. "Um, I'm sorry for calling you a freak" he sighed. "I haven't heard the best things about you" I scratched the back of my neck. "I figure" another sign leaving his mouth. He sighs a lot. "He's not as bad as they say he is" Chan and changbin both said entering the room. "Just last night" changbin quickly covered his mouth. Chan and I gave him a confused look. "Nothing nothing" he smiled.

Changbin and chan had left the room and there was an awkward silence amongst us. "About my mom" I cut him off before he can finish "Dont worry about it if it's okay with you can I come back and talk with her every once in a while if not it's okay" my words stumbling on one in other indicating I'm nervous. "Hey yeah, it's perfectly fine" his smile warm.

"Can I get your number" his voice sounding happier once I said yes before he could finish. He gave me his phone and I put my number in. I handed him mine and he put his number in my phone. "Well I have to get going before Jeongin and Seungmin call the cops" I wave my hand slightly and walk out the door. "Bye jisung" I heard come from Minho room while I went downstairs. I looked behind me "Bye minho" I yelled slightly.

I walked downstairs to see Changbin and chan cuddling on the couch watching a movie. "Bye jisung, nice to meet you" chan said shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you both, oh and um tell your brother I said sorry for intruding in on him" and with that, I left to my house.

I didn't have to go far, just through the yard. I opened the door and Seungmin and Jeongin came running to me. Before they could say anything I smiled big, their eyebrows raised. "Minho isn't that bad" I smiled to myself.

Minho POV

"He does look like a cute squirrel" I chuckled to myself. He seems very cute and very sweet.

Chan's POV

Jisung is our last hope for Minho

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