Chapter 3

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Minho POV

I woke up next to Changbin his arm slightly falling over me. The memories of last night started to flood in, I felt myself get embarrassed at the thought of crying in front of Changbin. He's my best friend and he would never judge me, but I still hate showing people my emotions.

I heard him groan a little as his eyes flutter open. "I can tell you worrying dont worry about it, stays between us" he smiles I nod slowly. As I was about to cuddle up to Changbin again I heard a knock on my door. Knowing Chan wasn't here and my mom wouldn't get it I walked over to the door.

When I opened it there was the new kid. He had tears down his face and his hair was messy. His pants were slightly unzipped. "Shit wrong house" he whispered.

I could see he was about to collapse because of what looked like to me he was having an anxiety attack. I grabbed him before he collapsed in my arms. "What happened," I said trying to pick him up and carry him over. "H-he t-touched m-me" his voice trembling. "I-i'm s-sorry" his heavy breathing also affecting the way he talks. I felt my heart get heavy at the sight of him. The last feeling I'd ever want.

"Can you tell me what happened" he nodded.

Jisung POV

It was a cool breezy spring day, nothing too special but great for a walk. The breeze slightly flowing in my hair. I felt like someone was walking behind me but I decided not to make a big deal out of it.

After a couple of minutes of walking I felt a hand on my arm it was cold and gross. I turned around to see a creepy looking man behind me. He grabbed my arm before I could scream he taped my mouth. I tried getting away but he started tugging my hair and pull my zipper down. I gained all the strength in my body and pulled away and kicked him hard in the balls. I took off sprinting.

Current Time
Jisung POV

"He didn't touch your area right," Minho said now covering me in a blanket. I nodded as I whipped my tears. I saw a short man walk out in the living, his eyes softened when he saw me. "Is he okay" he ran over to me. "This is changbin he's nice okay, I need to step outside I need a cigarette" Minho sighed. As much as I knew I shouldn't take one but I want a cigarette. "C-can I have o-one" I said still slightly out of breathing.

Minho looked at changbin and shrugged, changbin shook his head. "Yeah it's fine," Minho said handing me one. I smiled but it was an unsure one. I walked outside with Minho, Changbin following us.

Minho lit mine I put the cigarette in my mouth and try smoking it but I start coughing. I see Minho chuckle a little. I tried it once more and I didn't cough as much. "You don't have to do this if you don't want" Changbin voice soft. "I'm fine," I said quietly. "Where do you live blue squirrel" Minho blowing out the smoke. I smile at the name he just called me.

I pointed to the house next to him. "Oh, you're my neighbor" I nodded my head. "Changbin lives right there" Minho pointer to the house next to him. I saw Seungmin and Jeongin step out of the house. "I wonder where Ji is" I heard from the distance. I quickly dropped the cigarette and stomped on it and ran into his house.

I heard the door shut behind me. I saw a woman up the stairs she looked like she hadn't been able to sleep and cried a lot. "Mark" a questioning tone of voice. I heard Minho whisper shit and he slowly grabbed me back.



Even if you've never read my books, or you've read all of this, I want to tell someone this. I will be talking about being touched inappropriately so you don't have to read this if it triggers you. Also there is one thing that has something abt not eating.

This happened a year or two ago. I had this best friend sadly she still is my friend but not BSF. She manipulates me and if I don't she uses says she's gonna do bad things to herself so isk how to escape this friendship because when people tell me that I feel bad and I don't want someone to do that to themselves. Anyways, I would also sit next to her bc if not she would come to sit right next to me. She came up all the time and would touch my ass. I kept telling her to stop, she would never stop sometimes she would go to touching the insides of my thighs. She would force me to hold her hand. Sometimes I think this isn't a big deal when she touched me but it still makes me flinch around people just bc she touched my ass, and in 3rd grade (in case you don't have the same school system I was 7 years old) I had a random person come up and slap my ass, but back to the girl sometimes when I don't answer her calls she's a total bitch to me. Once I decided to answer her call, she fat-shamed me the whole time and called me a whore and slut. She did it so much I was eating little bit everyday, only a tiny bit of dinner. Even in school, she would do the same thing. This girl touched other people the same way but worse sometimes, like groping people's boobs. 2 of my close friends had to leave my school because of her. Ofc she never got in trouble. She would never stop when we told her to. I was always scared to tell someone. When she touched my ass I had a final straw with her. I got fucking pissed so she realized and got mad at me and moved seats. When I told her I was mad at her she would keep blaming it on me for "getting mad at her". Fast forward to next year, she was in my class. She had gotten worse I had to say shit again bc she was bullying, touching, and slapping if I remember correctly my boyfriend at the time and my best friend at the time. She still did shit to me. Later that year I got put into this class and this guy was in my class. This happened before guys trying to make the whole school I slept with them and shit like that. This one guy had the AUDACITY to pull out a condom and tell him that he wanted to take me home and use it on me. Then he told the whole class I saw his dick and how big it was and we both had sex. To this day I'm still a virgin. He tried spreading rumors all around the school. Fast forward a little more time I had the BIGGEST crush on this one guy. So one day we were snapping and for him "my shirt was too low". That day forward he would BEG AND BEG for nudes. He also manipulated me into sending them. I would tell him no not tonight or just no abs he would beg and beg and beg. So I did. He tricked me into thinking he liked me and got a gf the next week. They broke up and I got a boyfriend because this guy I cared a lot about him and didn't want to reject him. Anyways once they broke up, he'd beg and beg me for nudes still made me believe my bf was cheating on me so I'd break up and send again. Exactly what happened. After he was finished with me. I wouldn't want to do something so in GC he would text "Kyleigh I'll tell them all what you did" and there would be other ppl in the GC. He kept blackmailing and blackmailing me. I'm still in this toxic relationship and I have no clue what to do.

Sorry for this big rant I just REALLY needed to get it out. If you've ever experienced anything like this or worse I'm so sorry. If you ever need someone to talk to my DMS are always wide open so feel free to use them. I'll probably ask questions so I can try my best to help or I'll first ask if you just want me to read it or try to give you advice. Thank you for reading again if you read.

When i write chapters like these i want people to realize that this actually happens, so you need to be careful. If it does happen make sure you tell someone, even if it's just a close friend. It's sad now we have chances of getting kidnapped or even assulted by just walking by yourself. Please stay safe. This goes for all genders! Once again if you ever need anyone to talk to my DM's are open.

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