Chapter 8

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I finally picked out an outfit^

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I finally picked out an outfit^. I opened my door and Minho jaw dropped a tiny bit. "You look cute" he smiled. "Of course I do," I say while playfully punching his chest.

I walk downstairs and Seungmin and Jeongin are standing there. Seungmin with a shocked expression and Jeongin with a happy one. "Felix texted me back," He said dancing. "Ji you might be getting  $20" Seungmin sighed letting his head hang low.

"Let's get going" Minho grabbed my arm and ran me over to his house. He opened my car door and I stepping in and sat down. He shut my door and got into his side.

Light music was playing nothing too crazy. The drive was nice and quiet. Everything in my environment was relaxing.

Minho POV

I look over at the boy with squirrel-like features. I slightly smile at myself. Love at first might be cheesy as hell, but this man is perfect. The only thing is he might not like guys.

His blue hair was blowing in the wind, he looks pretty. He was humming the lyrics to the song. His eyes looked innocent. "Eyes on the road" Jisung laughed. I quickly snapped out of it and focused on the road.

Jisung POV

We arrived at the icecream shop. We both stepped out of the car. There was only one person there and it was a girl. She immediately looked at Minho and smirked. He seemed a little nervous and I felt myself get self-conscious.

We walked up to the register. "I'm going to use the bathroom" He stepped away. "I'll get the strawberry cheesecake," I said. I looked back and I could see the girl was gone. "I'll be right back I need to use the bathroom," I told the lady at the register.

I heard some ruckus going on in the bathroom. "Stop I don't want too" Minho voice was heard in the bathroom. "Please baby" a female voice was heard. I almost barfed at the sound of her voice. "I'm gay fuck off" A scream was heard. "YOUR WHAT" another scream. "Gay..." minho voice quite. "No you f**," she said. (A/N I hate saying that word and I am in the LGBTQ myself but I still hate saying it).

I busted through the door. "That's not nice you know" her stupid face made an annoyed one. She came up to me "Do you think he likes you, look at you worthless piece of shit" she whispered in my ear. The feeling of being self-conscious took over my body once more.

I felt tears brimming in my eyes. Do I know why, no not really. "What'd she say to you," He said once she left the room. "Nothing" I smiled. He grabbed my arm. I stood there confused. He pulled me in for a hug. "Hug back you're making me feel awkward" he whispered. I hugged him back. He felt warm.

"Icecream, stop at the store I want you to dye my hair, and cuddle," he said breaking the hug. "Okay," I smiled pulling him out of the bathroom.

We grabbed our ice cream and headed for the store.

Bucket List// L.M + H.JWhere stories live. Discover now