Chapter 26

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Minho POV
After Jisung got excepted into the hospital and all that jazz

Jisung had just woken up and the doctors were in the room. My thigh was bouncing up and down fastly. "He's fine, his body was too active, what did you do," the doctor said raising his eyebrow.

"Was it anything like sports" Jisung shook his head. His face turns bright pink. "You said Mr. Lee was your fiancé right," The doctor asked and Jisung nodded. "Have y'all perhaps been having intercourses?" The doctor said awkwardly. I choked on my spit.

Jisung nodded. "What did your doctor back in Korea tell you" The doctor sighed. "No intercourse" Jisung sighed. "Okay but look I'm a 17-year old that has a fiancé and I'm about to die let me live the rest of my life" Jisung stated. "See if you do too much you could pass out more" "I don't care, I just want to have fun" Jisung sighed. "Okay, if it gets too bad you'll have to stop okay" the doctor sighed. "Mr. Lee can I see you outside" I nodded and stood up and walked outside.

"When you were waiting and we went ahead and looked at cancer, it's getting worse faster than we thought in a couple of weeks just make sure he's comfortable. We think he might pass in 2 months at max" The doctor sighed then pat my shoulder then left.

Those words felt like a gunshot to the heart. I couldn't lose him, but I'll have to.

I walked into the room. He had a big smile on his face. "Sungie can we get married next week" I smiled sitting next to him. "If you want to" he smiled weakly. "Only if you do" He nodded his head and smiled.

"You look tired," Jisung said. "I am" I laughed a little. "Your birthdays in 2 days" I whispered to him. "Oh my god your right, but I don't care about that right now come here," he said patting next to him. "You need sleep baby," he said rubbing my head.

I cuddled up next to him. "I love you so much" I whispered into his year. "I love you so much" he whispered back.

It didn't take me to fall asleep in his arms. Jisung just made my bad thoughts go. He made a life for me easy. I'm just not ready to lose him yet.

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