Chapter 23

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"YOUR ENGAGED" Seungmin screamed at me. "YES HAHAHA LOSER," I said sticking my tongue out at him. "Hey, so your boyfriend," I said wiggling my eyebrows. "What about him" he sounded annoyed. "He's really out of your league" I laughed out. Seungmin punched me in the shoulder.

"Hi guys," Felix said jumping down the stairs. "Hi, Felix" I smiled. Lucy came up and followed me to the couch. "Where your boyfriend" "Fiancé" I corrected him. "JEONGIN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE" Felix screamed.

Jeongin jumped down the stairs. "Yes da-Felix," Jeongin said shyly. "WOW," Both Seungmin and I yelled. "Not the point JI IS ENGAGED" "Shut the fuck up" Jeongin ran over and I showed him my ring.

We were interrupted by a knock at the door. Seungmin ran over and opened the door. "BABE" He screamed and jumped into his arms.

"Is this the Kim Seungmin we know" I whispered into Jeongin ear. "No I think he's possessed better yet maybe he ran away and this is a clone" he whispered back to me.

Jeongin ran over to Seungmin and started searching for him. "Is this a fugitive?" He said frantically searching. "No the fuck" he said out of annoyance. "Hm tell me a secret then," Jeongin said. "You use to like Ji-" Jeongin cover his hands over his mouth "OKAY YEP ITS SEUNGMIN"

My mouth dropped. "JEONGIN YOU SAY WHAT" I yelled. "Calm down it was like 3 years ago I'm totally over you," He said jumping up in Felix's arms. "Take me away my beautiful boyfriend" And they both ran off to gods know where.

I looked at Hyunjin with an evil eye. "Sit now," I said in a demanding voice. Hyunjin eyes widened and he sat in front of me on the couch. "Why didn't you do this to Felix" Seungmin groaned. "Because he already had broken my finger, and made a dumb ass joke so I knew he was cool" I replied.

I stared into his eyes. "So you are dating my bestie," I said crossing my arms. Hyunjin nods hesitantly. "One thing for as long as I walk this earth, so about 4 months if in that period you break this man's heart I will beat your ass," I said eyeing him. Then I slapped my mouth. "Ah, shit said too much" I sighed.

"I feel like I should tell Chan, Changbin, and Felix, and of course you Hyunjin I can tell we are going to besties" I smiled. "I would if I were you" Seungmin added. "What do you mean 4 months," Hyunjin said. "I'll tell you in a minute homeboy, now tell me what's Seungmin favorite band if you don't know this your not capable of being his boyfriend" I smiled. "Day6 easy" he smiled at me. "Okay great you're perfect you passed the boyfriend test," I said giving him a high five.

I then pulled out my phone so I could call a meeting between everyone.


Hey bitches

This better be good

What is it, Sung

I have something very important to tell you all
My place in 10 minutes you here me

Jisung we live right next to you

Oh yeah then 5 minutes I expect you to be here

Oh and bring my beautiful man

Well your "beautiful man" is currently shitting

Well tell him to clog his asshole and come over here

The f- okay we will be over in 5 minutes

Felix and Hyunjin have already gathered around. I paced back in forth anxiously.

The front door open and there stood my beautiful fiancé, Chan, and Changbin. "Sit down," I said pointing near where everyone else is sitting.

"Okay, I got something important to tell y'all," I said as I clapped my hand.

Everyone sat on the edge of their seat.

"I am engaged"

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