Chapter 4

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Jisung POV

The woman came up to me and started rubbing my face. I heard the door open and close again. "Mom" a familiar voice that I've heard before. "Mark," she said ruffling my hair. I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I looked back and there was another male in the room. Minho hand was on my shoulder. Who I'm supposing is his mom wrapped her arms around my waist. I looked back at her and she was sobbing.

Minho POV

The squirrel looking boy sat down to my moms level. He wrapped his arms around her bringing her into a hug. I looked back at chan and he had a worried look on his face. I heard some whispers and I looked down and he was whispering stuff in her ear. I could hear her sobs slowly pick up. As she started whispering back to him.

They talked for another 5 minutes, all 3 of us just stood there confused and worried. I saw her nod and they both stood up. His arm still wrapped around her.

Once they got upstairs I turned around "What the fuck happened" Chan said. "Who is that" his voice more sad than confused. "He goes to our school he's new, he's here because after he got touched inappropriately on the side of the road by some random person he came to the wrong house" chan's face in shock. "Did you hear what he said" changbin speaking up I shook my head.

"Maybe he will help her a bit" chan sighed. "I'll be back," I said standing up. I grabbed my lighter off the side table and stepped out. I lit my cigarette, I let all the thoughts crash into me as I breathed in the toxic stick. (A/N IDK WHAT TO CALL IT SORRY-)

Chans POV

"Still smoking and drinking" I looked over at changbin, he let out a small yes. "Have you told him yet" I looked over at the smaller male. He shook his head. "What if he hates me" He sighed. I pulled him into my side and he cuddled into me. "Tell him soon okay baby" I place a kiss on his head. He looked up and kissed my lips. I was too distracted by the kiss to hear the door shut.

"What the fuck" My brother's voice echoed in the house. "ARE YALL TWO A THING" His voice getting louder. Changbin and I quickly split apart.

Minho POV

Holy shit, that's the last thing I ever expected. My brother and my best friend. "are you mad at me" Changbin tiny voice ran through my ears. "Hell no I'm happy for you" I smiled running up to them both. "Y'all are cute together, it's just unexpected" I smiled once more. 

I heard feet coming down the stairs. I looked up at the stairs to a boy with blue hair and cute cheeks come down the stairs. Okay yes, changbin called his cheeks ugly but if we are being honest. He's pretty cute.

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