Chapter 12

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Jisung POV

I could still hear the conversation but barely. I could tell the conversation was coming to an end. "I'm sorry, but she passed" After I heard a loud cry come from the direction. I ran over to them. Both boys crying.

"S-she g-gone" Minho choking on all of his tears. He immediately jumped into my arms. I just stood there letting him cry. I felt a tear fall down my face. It was losing my brother and dad all over again.

5 years ago

"Jisung come on down sweetie" I heard my mom call from downstairs. My brother Brian and my dad was supposed to return today from there long trip they have been on for the last month. It was for work and my brother had some weird project things 18-year-olds do. My dad had to go to Australia

I ran downstairs to go eat the pancakes my mom made me. "I got cheesecake for you" she winked. Cheesecake is my most favorite food in the whole world. It's just so amazing.

My mom got a phone call. She started screaming and crying. I looked over and quickly ran over to her. "Mom what's wrong," I said stroking her hair. "Brian and d-dad d-died" the sobs left her mouth. "You just got better why does the world have to hate me" she screamed this time.

Present time

The doctors told us all to go home but we couldn't because of the scene that happened. So I proposed going to my house because it was only Seungmin and Jeongin. They already knew what happened so they were out of the house so we could have it to ourselves.

Changbin was driving once again because Minho wouldn't leave my arms and chan was crying too much for him to drive. 

We arrived at my house when we walked in, it was clean and there were sweets that I used as my coping food was all out. There was a note that said, "Just in case".

Minho went over to the food pile and grabbed some cookie dough. "Jisung bed now," he said pulling me upstairs. Before I did I showed Chan and Changbin around, they went into Seungmin room because it was the cleanest.

Once I was up in the room with Minho he pulled me on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. His tears drenching my shirt. "Baby it's okay" I didn't even think about what I was saying it just slipped. "You have me I'll be here for you" he brought himself closer to me.

At that moment I realized I had the biggest crush on him.

Minho moved around a little picking his head up. "Can you call me that again" his sobs quieting down. "Sure baby, don't worry baby I'll be there for you," I said he smiled instantly. His hand fell on my cheek. A smile grew on my face. "Just hearing you call me that makes me feel so much better" his head buried in my shoulders.

I wanted to see his eyes again. I already missed them. I loved his eyes. They were beautiful.

He lifted his face once more. He grabbed my face again. Blush forming. "Don't leave me" another tear fell down his face. That hurt me because I know I'll have to one day. "I won't I promise" I smiled.

His hands still cupping my face. He brought my face into a kiss. He quickly separated. "S-sorry I did-"I shut him up by planting a soft kiss on his lips. His breathing slowed down. He wasn't shaking as much anymore. It felt like forever till we separated. "Can you lay in my arms tonight" his voice a tiny bit shaky. "Of course," I say cuddling into his arms.

I didn't fall asleep till I heard quiet snores coming from his mouth. Just like that, I fell asleep in the warmth of his arms.

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