Chapter 22

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His face went pale. I know he didn't enjoy talking about this, but we had no other choice.

"What's it about" Minho voice shaky. "I go to the doctor soon, I get papers for how I want to die when they think I'll die snd all those things" I sighed. His eyes were full of tears.

"Min, I lied about how long" I sighed once again. "Y-you what" his tears leaving his eyes. "I have around 4 months left, I can feel my body getting weak min". "4 m-months" his sobs so loud he could wake someone. "Y-you can't l-leave me" his arms slung around mine. "Min it'll be okay," I said rubbing his cheek.

After a good 5 minutes of silence, Minho head shoots up. "Fuck it stand up please," he said pulling me. I stood up. "Give me 5 seconds" he ran over to his dresser.

"So I wanted to do this in more of a romantic setting but to me, that doesn't matter if it does to you I'll plan something but, Han Jisung the love of my life the only reason I'm alive right now. Will you marry me" he said getting on his knee.

I was shocked, he had planned this, he had a ring. I could feel myself start to cry. "Y-yes," I said falling into his arms.

He cupped my face and smashed his lips against mine. "Fuck, I love you so much," he said against my lips.

"Min, I'm ready," I said separating our lips. "R-really" a slight smirk appearing. I nodded my head and connected our lips. "You sure," he said and I nodded again.

Let's just say we had a long fun night ;)

Bucket List// L.M + H.JWhere stories live. Discover now