{Tokyo ghoul} kaneki x reader (angst) i hope your happier with her

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*dont read if you have not finished the show kinda spoilers*

y/ns pov~~

me and Haise have been working together in the quinx squad for a while i must say i love them all with my heart i treat them like they were my children when me and Haise started dating something seemed off when we went to this coffee shop this lady kept looking at him like it was her long lost best friend or some shit but when all this shit happened with 'kaneki' turning into this big centipede thing and finding out that Haise is actually kaneki  and apparently when Haise was you know kaneki him and that coffee shop lady were dating i felt bad it felt like kaneki or Haise same person anyway it felt like he was cheating so as soon as i found that out i broke up with him he was very confused cause well it went like this 

"Haise or i um kaneki were done you already have a girlfriend and i am sure she is wonderful it was great but it would feel wrong if i didnt do this and my guilty conscience would eat me apart so dont talk its final goodbye kaneki have a good life" i looked at them both and walked away "i hope your happier with her kaneki"i whispered to myself as i finally let my tears fall down 


as i was walking to the graveyard to see the quinx squad for Shirazu's birthday it really hurt when i found out he was dead like i said the kids are like my children as i got closer i saw them all i walked over and hugged one of the most affected people by Shirazu's death Urie he may try to deny that he was really effected by his death i can see right though him when i hugged him he jumped a little but hugged back when we separated we all took in turns wishing  Shirazu a happy birthday after that we all sat down and caught up because we had not seen each other in a while after a good while of talking a group of people came over to us and as they came closer we all saw that they were kaneki, touka  and the others as soon as i saw then i got up and told then i needed to leave but they new that i just didn't want to be around kaneki after what happened 4 years ago but as i was walking away i saw she had a baby in her arms when i was back a home i fell to the ground crying 

"i-i tho-ought i w-w-was ov-ver him-m"i whimpered quietly  "at-t least h-h-h-he is-s-s h-hap-ppy if-f he is ha-ppy t-t-t-then i am-m-m-m hap-py i guess"i walked over to my bed and cried myself to sleep

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