(soul eater) maka x reader (fluff) how do i love you again???

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this is a girl x girl 

no ones pov~~

it was a Sunday so like all Sundays maka and y/n were hanging out at y/n's house maka was reading her book like always and y/n was scrolling through her phone every now and then y/n shows maka something cute from her phone 

"maka maka maka look at how cute this is i want it can i have it???"y/n showed maka a photo of a snake tilting its head 

"maka maka maka look at how cute this is i want it can i have it???"y/n showed maka a photo of a snake tilting its head 

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"what is it y/n NO y/n we are not getting a snake knowing you , you would let the snake go by accident"

"but but is so cute!!!!! look at it you cant tell me its not cute!!!!"

"yes it cute but *sigh* why am i with you again y/n"she asked with a chuckle 

"cause you love~~~ me maka"y/n said with a sing song voice 

"do i tho"maka asked smirking 

"*dramatic gasp* you do see!!"she said while jumping on her kissing her all over her face 

"ok ok ok i love you too now get of me you idiot"maka said laughing 

"hehe never"y/n laid on her lap going back to her phone like nothing ever happed

"*sigh* your an idiot but you my idiot"maka said going back to her book 

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