(b the beginning) izanami x reader (fluff or angst~) my angle

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hi this dose not follow the show at all in this izanami and koku and all that went to get together to find keith.why? because its my story and i will do what i want🥰.kinda cringe? 

                             no ones pov~~

its true y/n was kept out of the loop izanami never died in fact he is perfectly fine, while y/n on the other hand was doing terribly but no one really knew, after everything that happened y/n was somehow roped into Kirisame's plan 

y/n was told they needed to look after the 3rd tower incase they tried to get keith back,

izanami's pov~~

oh how i miss my angle , i just wanna see their smirk while spitting out a bitchy comment about someone and how they would randomly pop out of nowhere saying the most random shit ever, or even them using their chains to steal Kamui blades and hiding them- fuck stop thinking about them! i need to focus on the task at hand

"izanami i have one question" i glanced at koku "hmmm~" i noticed him sigh before asking the question "whatever happened to y/n , unlike everyone else in the group i never once saw them. did-did they make it out of the fire or not....." i felt my body freeze at the thought of y/n never making it out of the fire "their fine koku im not sure as to why that is but when i last saw them they were alive and well"


10 years old -still at the orphanage 

"IZANAMI!!!!!" i looked behind me to see y/n running at me "CATCH ME!!!" they jumped at me i wrapped my arms around their waist as fast as i could "what was that for angle?" they smiled and hopped out of my arms "i wanted to see if you would catch me, because one day i could be falling from a high place and i wanted to see if you would catch me no matter what" i placed my hand on her cheek "angle i will always be there to catch you no matter what"

8 years old 

"angle!" i hugged y/n as they walked through the door to outside "hmm angle? why angle?" y/n looked confused i kissed their nose "well because your gonna be my angle when we are older , i will always be there to catch you when you fall~!"  they smiled and grabbed my arms and ran into the snow

12 years old -the fire incident 

"ANGLE!!!??? ANGLE WHERE ARE YOU!!" i ran around the burning house looking for y/n until i felt something/someone tug on my sleeve , it was Dr Kazama "izanami you need to leave now!" i shook my head rapidly "no no no!! not without my angle!!" Dr Kazama sighed and pick me up i kicked my legs trying to go back to finding them "izanami its ok they are out here , i found them panicking in one of the classrooms and took them out here" once we were all outside we were lead into a small dark room 

i felt y/n cling to my arm "just wait in here ok" he closed the door as i looked around everyone was confused "i-izanami i dont feel to-" just then y/n collapsed on the floor we all surrounded them but 1 by 1 everyone dropped unconscious including me 

end of flashback

i shivered at the memories, i noticed how we were closing in on the tower "koku are you gonna fly in first?" Lily asked while driving the boat koku only nodded , koku's wings appeared and he flew off. the whole time i couldn't shake off the weird feeling 

once we caught up we all ran too where we assumed koku was, as we rounded the corner koku came falling over to us "koku!" yuna called all he did was stare at me "i cant get to them izanami i refuse to hurt the person who's like a sibling to me"

i looked at him confused , that when we heard it , it sounded like metal falling or metal breaking things. "no no no no no" i kept repeating that same line as i ran 

and i saw it ...........................my-my angle

"y/n" they looked over at me with raised chains "no no no angle its me, love, i missed you!"

their face dropped along with the chains that soon disappeared "izanami....IZANAMI!!!"they ran to me with their arms waiting for a hug 

they jumped on me , their legs wrapped around me "you lying asshole!" as i waited for the long rant all that came was a soft kiss on the lips.

"i hate you for leaving me , but i will always love you" i smiled as they said that "im sorry my angle"

no ones pov~

Kirisame watched the 'cute' scene unfolded before him 'tsk tsk tsk lets see if that old promise of i will a always catch you still stand ~' 

Kirisame walked forwards to the couple ready to throw y/n off the tower. the couple was too busy hugging to notice the presence of Kirisame until the last moment when Kirisame stabbed y/n in the gut and wrapped his hand around their mouth 

"Kirisame... let them go!" izanami's face was full of anger and distort "nah how about we see if the promise of 'always being there to catch them' still counts~" as Kirisame finished his sentence he threw them off the side of the building 

izanami looked around to notice koku was gone 'getting keith'  "i will personally kill you one day" and with that izanami ran and jumped seeing y/n's knocked out body free falling 

"ANGLE!" he couldn't do it , he cant do it!!! "KOKU!!!!!!!!!!" and just like that koku was there to catch both him and y/n, as soon as the got to the floor koku handed y/n over to izanami 

"angle i love you, wake up please wake up, actually no take a rest you need it but please promise me to wake up. is this how you felt when you were told i was dead? im sorry my angle"

to be continued? maybe comment or something so i know you want another part 😂

love you all and i please take care of yourselves ,im super fucking proud of you all!!

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