(Bungo stray dogs) dazai x reader (angst) Erase You

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thank you so much of the request!!!!! @25Layla11 i hope its as good as you hope for sorry if its not!

no ones pov~~

'You were laughing when I met you And you still do'

y/n was walking down the street distracted by something that was on their phone and thats when they bumped into some y/n looked up to see a tall male with brown hair and a goofy smile thats held concern 

"o-ooh im sorry i wasn't  paying attention" y/n looked down in embarrassment till they heard a laughter it sounded heavenly to y/n ,they  looked to see it was the same male

"oh dear its fine it was also my fault i was off in my own world are you ok?"

they nodded my head 

"i would love to get to know you do you want to get some coffee?"

y/n was surprised by the offer since they haven't even shared names

"im sorry but whats your name i would like to know it before i go out for coffee with them?" she asked with a slight tease in their voice

"dazai nice to meet you??"

"y/n and the pleasure is all mine"

"come one i know a great coffee shop down the road"

'Remember when I was the apple of your eye? The centre  of your attention'

"everyone i want you to meet my s/o y/n!" 

everyone was surprised to see dazai with a s/o 

"hi everyone!!"

there was a round of hellos and how are you's y/n felt comfort here

'Is still the best place I've ever been in But nothing ever stays the same'

y/n was walking to her favourite park to clear their mind it has been 4 weeks since dazai and y/n broke up the reason they broke up was cause dazai found someone better 

when they got there they saw a horrific sight well only to them it was dazai showering his new girlfriend love and affection they felt the tears sting their eyes as they ran away

oh how much y/n wished it was them in that position not someone else

'Well someday I might cross the street when we're on the same side Just to skip the "how are you?" I'm fine'

oh how many nights y/n stayed awake wishing that they would cross paths just so they could take but they know it will never happen they wish they were in dazai's arms they wished from him to hold them close and whisper sweet nothing into their ear as they both fell asleep 

'But I'll love you all my life And this heart, will not erase you This heart, will not erase you'

as much as y/n wanted to forget him , he was all they could ever think about 

Morning? dazai

afternoon? dazai

night?  dazai 

as much as they want to their heart will never erase him

'I know someday you'll buy a little diamond ring but it wont be for my finger'

as much as they dont want to admit one day he will buy a ring a ring that they will never wear cause they are not his anymore

'and i know someday your child will hear you sing but i wont be there'

one day dazai might have a child but that child wont be with them and it never will be 

'Someday I might cross the street when we're on the same side Just to skip the "how are you?" "I'm fine"But I'll love you all my life And this heart, will not erase you This heart, will not erase you'

y/n was walking down the street feeling like they were getting over them but then they saw it dazai and his girlfriend looking through a window of a ring shop and thats when it hit them he moved on a forgot about them but y/n knows a little part of them will never forget him

'And I see the life you can't The life we could have lived Holding hands in rocking chairs Old and grey, I'd love you still'

it was always a dream of y/n's to get married to dazai and grow old with him holding hands sitting in rocking chairs wondering where life went but that will never happen all cause he found someone better then them 

'Someday I might cross the street when we're on the same side Just to skip the "how are you?" "I'm fine" But I'll love you all my life And this heart, will not erase you This heart, will not erase you This heart, will not erase you '

no matter how much they wish to move on from dazai they never will dazai was their first and they wanted him to be their last there will never be a day where y/n's mind done not think about dazai how many days did they cry themselves to sleep they have know idea they lost count

My heart, can not erase you 

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