haikyuu tendou x reader fluff messy baking

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thank you so much to the amazing person @Janessa483 for the request it was so cute i love it i hope you love this~

y/n's pov~

it was mine and tendou's 2 anniversary so i planned on baking~

i heard the doorbell go off so i ran to the door opening it to see my handsome boyfriend tendou

"Paradise~~~ how are you happy anniversary i love you!!!"

i laughed and hugged him he picked me up while i wiggled around since i hated being picked up

he laughed at me and i closed the door and dragged him to the kitchen where all the ingredients to making chocolate chip cookies (cries in being lactose intolerant but knows not everyone is)

"hold on paradise here i got you a gift~" he handed me a wrapped box my eyes widened and i placed it down running up to my room to get his gift 

"here here here here! heres mine!~" i gave him a gift bag

i opened it to see f/b (favourite book) "omg tendou! i love it i sadly lost my other copy how did you know i need a new one??"

"oh you know best boyfriend instincts" but what he was really thinking 'wait what?! she knows this book darn you semi! you said she never read this, but always wanted this book!!"

he opened the bag to see his favourite treats he looked at me to see me rubbing my neck "sorry its not much i couldn't think of much" 

"i still love it paradise anyway~ what are we doing to celebrate~?" i grabbed his hand and took him behind the counter where all the ingredients were

"oh oh oh~ fun were baking~" i laughed and washed my hands and so did he we started to mix all the ingredients together obviously when the recipe said so 

"umm paradise look at me" i looked at tendou thats when he threw a handful of flour at me

"oh you did not you know what you just started mister a war thats what you started come back here" i chased him and he ran 'for his live' once i got him with the flour we started to laugh out heads off and we continued the baking 

once they got into the oven i hopped onto the counter cause i could and sat there, tendou walked so he was in between my legs i wrapped my legs around his waist and hugged him we stayed there hugging until the timer for the cookies went off

tendou grabbed the oven mitts and took the cookies out and let them rest "hey paradise?" "hmm yes tendou?" "thank you for always being here for me i love you paradise and i hope we can spend many many more years like this" i jumped down from where i was sitting and hugged him "i love you too bubs and yes i cant wait to spend more years with you too"

sorry it was shitty i had a good idea then i forgot the idea but i had already written most of it and i didnt wanna start again cause i didnt have any other ideas for it so yeah umm yeah love you all make sure your drinking plenty of water and please dont skip any meals love you all~❤️

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