(Toilet-bound Hanako-kun) Mitsuba x reader (fluffy) bickering

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no ones pov~~

"ughhh your so fucking annoying!!"

"me annoying says the one who is so fucking full of himself get your head out of your ass why dont ya!"

"Hanako there at it again what do we do??"

"i dont know but this is entertaining!!"

"shouldn't we stop them?......again?"

yes again every time y/n and mitsuba see each other they start bickering on one know how it started or even why it happened it just dose but the funny thing is its like there attached by the hip which is weird right two people who hate each others juts are always together its like they WANT! to bicker 

"ugh!! you know what im done leave me alone!!!!" y/n stormed off and mitsuba stood there with a cocky smile 

"umm dont you think that was a bit harsh mitsuba?"

"of course not! they deserve it"

"you brought up the way they died you know dont like to talk about it!!"

"to bad its not like i care"

later that day

"y/n you there bubs?" mitsuba walked into y/ns boundary and saw them laying on the floor holding a axe trowing it up and down they looked up and saw mitsuba and instantly a smile made its way up their face and got up 

"bubs!!! no wait im mad at you!" they pouted and tuned around 

"no your not you could never be mad at this cute little thing!"

"sigh how did i fall in love with you again??"

"cause im the cutest thing you have ever see!"


"hey! come here you"

mitsuba ran after y/n as they ran and laughed their head off 

"ha! caught you" he looked at them and kissed them despite what people think of him mitsuba can be really sweet when he wants to be and has a huge soft spot for his s/o then you might be think what about before well their relationship isn't necessarily secret they just dont talk about it and they both know when they say those things that they dont mean and thats kinda how they act around other people 

but what they didnt know is that there was a shocked Hanako , nene and kou watching them act all couple-ly!!

"who know they two people everyone thought that hated each other were actually a couple?" kou whispered while the other two agreed then all of a sudden a axe was thrown just so it wouldn't hit kou but it would look like it did with a note attached that made hanako's face pale and grabbed the two and ran out of their boundary  

and if your wondering what they note said it said 

"if you dont get your fucking ass out of here i will beat your ass and tell tsukasa that you want to see him so he will find you and annoy the crap out of you~~"

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