(BNHA) overhaul x reader (fluffy) angel

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y/n's pov~~

I was kinda scared to be honest he doesn't normally send someone to get me normally he would call me

'Is he breaking up with me'

'Am i too annoying'

'Is he gonna kill me'

'Oh god please don't let this be the end'

'He still loves me right'

I was too busy in my thoughts that i didn't realise that i was at his office i knocked on the door because will i may be a villain but i have common decency i heard a small 'come in' i opened the door to see him sitting there with out is plague mask he only had is normal back one on he looked clam i think he is really good at hiding his emotions when he wants to i closed the door and he motion for me to take a sit i hesitantly sat down with one leg over the other and looked at him with the calmest expression i could do which wasn't that calm 


"Y-yes"i cursed myself for stuttering in front of my boyfriend

"Do you know why i called"he stood up and walked so he was leaning on his desk right in front of me

"I don't have a clue?"i answered trying to calm myself

"Angle i can tell your scared and nervous calm down nothing is wrong"

"Then why did you send chrono to get me and not call me??"i asked generally confused

"Because you came back from a mission and didn't tell me you were hurt?! Humm did you just think I wasn't gonna notice Angle you know I don't like when you're hurt I care about you angle?"he asked going to get a first aid kit

"Hurt i'm not hu- ohh you mean the bruise on my arm it's not that bad"i told him moving the fabric so the bruise was visible "see it's nothing bad"

"Angle the bruise covers basically you'r whole forearm and don't get me started on how it looks, how did you get it angle?"he walked back over to me and started to treat it

"Well you know how i am really short?"he have me a small hum and a nod to agree with what i was saying "well the guy was a lot stronger and a whole lot taller than me he must of been like what 10ft"he quietly chuckled at me but didn't say a word a continued to treat my wound "anyway yeah so he might of picked me up and threw me into a building b-ouchhhhh! That hurt!!"

"Sorry angel i didnt mean to hurt you, but what?!"he asked while he looked at me with eyes that could kill but i knew it wasn't for me "he threw you into a wall?!" I nodded my head "I will kill him!"

"No no baby he is already dead i killed him i made sure to him to give him a slow and painful death can i just have some kisses and cuddles please i am sleepy"i told him holding his hand giving him puppy dog eyes he chuckled and nodded his head he pulled his mask down and gave me a slow and passionate kiss but it was all full of love when we separated he took my hand back and walked to our shared bedroom he took his coat off i waddled over to our bed and laid down he walked over and laid down next to me and pulled me close and gave me little forehead kisses i snuggles my head into his chest and wrapped my arms and legs around him tightly like a koala(wink wink babes🥰) and we slowly fell asleep 

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