(bungo stray dogs) chuuya x reader (fluff) i cant with you haha

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chuuya's pov

when i was finished with my last mission report i gave it to mori and he then told me i could have the rest of the day off since he has nothing more for me to do today as i was thinking what to do i remembered y/n saying they only had a few bits of paper work to do then she was done for the day so i walked over to their office opened the door to them on the floor with their legs on the wall i was very confused 

"what are you doing y/n"i asked generally confused 

"what oh hey chuuya what are you doing here"they said as they got up and sat on their desk i swear they dont know what a chair is they never seem to sit of it and if they do then they sit on it so weirdly 

"you know what never mind are you still doing your paper woke?"to which they nodded "then why are you still here normally you would always take the chance to leave and go home to sleep"

"i know i do but~ whats wrong with me waiting for you to finish up work so we can go home a cuddle"god why are they so cute i could never say no to them 

"come here hun lets go home and cuddle"they jumped from the desk and jumped into my arms with there legs wrapped around my waist 

time skip their home now ~~~~

when we got home i put them on the couch cause the whole time they refused to get off me so they clung on to me like a koala (wink wink jay) once i put them down i went to the kitchen and grabbed myself some wine and them some ___ (whatever you want it can be alcohol or whatever) and walked over to y/n putting f/m on i gave them their drink and they then sat in my lap like aways when we watch a movie after about half way through the movie i heard little snores coming from y/n i mean they did skip their afternoon nap so it kinda makes sense they always get sleepy at this time if they dont take a nap which is one of the things that make them really cute i love them so much i turn the movie off pick them up and carrie them to bed i put them down and got dresses in more comfy clothes while they didnt need to cause when they know their not gonna do much they go to work in sweatpants and a jumper i climed in to bed with them and the cuddled straight into to me so i started to play with their hair and drew shapes on their until i fell asleep 

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