(aot) levi x reader (angst) fallen for my best friend

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I dont ship people at all there are very few exceptions but other then those I dont ship anyone so yeah please no hate I dont dislike Petra nor in this oneshot will the 'reader' dislike Petra so yeah thanks for coming to my ted talk~ :)

"Hey hey hey shortie~~" y/n opened the door to Levis office getting a death glare throw at them

"You idiot im taller than you"

"Ugh you take the fun out of everything~~~ ever since we were kids you have always been a party pooper~~~"

"*sigh* it better be good why are you here?"

"Cant I hang out with my best friend??"

"No I was just about to leave"

"Come on Levi why do you need to leave so fast whats more important than me~~"

"*sigh* I guess I needed to tell you sooner or later me and Petra are a couple and we have been for a while"

When y/n heard those words come from his mouth it felt like their whole world just shattered their best friend who are they kidding y/n had liked Levi for way too long but was scared to tell him yes y/n could face millions of titans cause they were Levis right hand but they were scared of losing him y/n wanted tp say something but nothing came out their throat was dry and it felt like their was a big lump caught in it

"Umm y/n?"

Y/n was brought back to reality when he called their name

"O-oh hmm? Oh yeah well dont worry about it yeah you two would be amazing well of course you would you have been with her for how long?"

"6 months oh I need to leave now lock the door when you leave"

When leave Levi left they also left they closed the door and walked to their office Oce they locked the door they broke down into tears normally people would think y/n would hate Petra but y/n cant hate her cause she had done nothing but live her life and happened to catch Levis eye romantically

"I was so stupid for think I had a chance he probably sees me like a sibling a annoying one and that falling for my best friend Im happy for them Levi had finally found someone to love but that person is just not me"

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