(BNHA) denki x reader (angst) oh..ok then good luck

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no ones pov



"IS ANYONE THERE" y/n waved her hand in front of his face trying to get his attention but he was just to lost in space 

"ouch y/n what was that for why did you push me~~~"denki whined when y/n pushed him off of his bed onto the floor

"what~ i was only trying to get your attention what were you thinking about that deeply"y/n asked innocently then changed to a questionable tone

"stop acting innocent y/n it's not working i have known you too long"denki said while chuckling "oh i was think about....."he trailed off 

"about~~~"y/n said motioning for him to continue 

"ah you're a girl right??"denki asked 

"ummm yes... well i think so i mean i just finish by period and girls get that so yeah i am!"y/n told him teasingly 

"ughh whatever anyway how would you asked the person of your dreams out?!"he asked urgently 

"ummmm why??"she asked confused 

"help a dude out please y/n i would do anything please??!!"

"fine fine i would asked them out just straight forward no beating around the bush just straight out i guess?"she told him while leaning back on the bed with her eyes closed "hey can ya pass the chocolate over please your closer to it than me??" she asked him with puppy dog eyes

"fine~~ lazybones"he got up and grabbed the chocolate from him desk and walked back to the bed moving her over a bit so he could sit next to her handing the chocolate over

"thank you pika pika"she said while taking the chocolate and taking a piece and giving him one and taking one for herself

"also~~denki"he hummed to signal that he was listening to her

"why did you want to know how 'to ask the person of your dreams out'?"

"oh! i really really want to ask skyler(sorry if thats your name i just picked a random name) out she's really cute and she's really funny and she just the perfect person every and when i am with her i always stumble over my words cause she is really cute i have never seen someone so cute"he told her with a dreamy smile but what he didnt know is that he just really hurt y/n cause she had a crush on denki for like 4ish years i mean they have know each other since they were small and hearing that he liked someone else really hurt her and she knows she should be happy for him and hype him up but she just cant she felt like she was just gonna break down and cry any moment but she couldn't so she just decided to fake it and hope for the best 

"omg really you too would look so fucking good together like dude~~~ i think she likes you back i have seen the way she looks at you dude go fucking shoot your shot before someone takes her away and you can ever have here so go now trust me do it now before you regret it ok so go pika pika!!!!!"she told him with a fake smile while trying not to cry 

"really you're not joking with me right?!" he asked while shaking her

"stop shaking me pika pika and not i am not joking go go!!"she told him while pushing him of his bed

"ok well y/n wish me well next time you see me i will have the prettiest girlfriend ever bye n/n(nickname)"he walked out of his dorm on his way to find skyler but what he didnt know is that as soon as he closed the door y/n broke down in tears she walked out of his dorm and ran to her own what she didnt see is that bakugou was in the kitchen and saw her crying so he walked to her dorm when he got there he opened door to her dorm she was on the floor he slowly closed the door seeing her crying hurt him dearly because bakugou would never admit it but he had taking a liking to y/n she was kind but never let people walk over her she was tough but also a big softy 

he walked over to her slowly so he didnt scare her when she noticed him she jumped onto him and cried into his shoulder he walked over to her bed and sat down he rubbed her back and whispered sweet nothings to her to try to calm her down 

"hey y/n you good now?"bakugou asked her uncharacteristically quite and soft

"h-e-e-e li-i-ikes skyl-e-er and it-t-t hur-r-ts"she told him still sobbing into is shoulder 

"shhh i know it hurts but trust me it will get better soon" now bakugou knew she liked denki everyone knew if you didnt know you must be blind like its kinda obvious that she likes him by the way she looks at him and when she flirts with another girl she gets sad and yes it did hurt him when he found out she liked denki and not him but this is not about him its about y/n and she is hurting right now and bakugou is happy to be her shoulder to cry on any day.

y/n and bakugou spent the next few hours watching movies and hanging out y/n was slowly feeling better with the help of bakugou but what she didnt know was that bakugou was loving every second he got to spend with her because she was basically always with denki so he never really got to have alone time with her they found out that they had a lot more in common and they turned out to be really good friends although bakugou wanted more than that but he didnt want to rush things 

maybe in the end it was a good thing denki liked someone else and didnt like y/n cause maybe this wouldn't have happened and maybe in the future Bakugou's dreams could come true who knows but right now they were ok with just being friends 

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