(horimiya) syu lura x fem. reader (fluff) cant reach?

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as i sighed as i closed my book getting up 'guess i need to find a new one' walking around stretching my legs i was looking at all the books everywhere until i read one of the spines i read ' before the midnight games i must ask' my eyes widened and went to grab the book but i could reach it having to much of a pride i went to walk off 'i'll see if it on my kindle i guess if not online then' i rolled my eyes but was stopped when someone spoke behind me "hey wait here" i truned my head to see over my shoulder to see one of my classmates syu lara i raised my eye brow and saw it was the book i was looking at "oh thank you, you didnt need to do that but thanks again" he smiled "didnt know you were so short there rae" i rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed the book and nodded my head about to walk off "hey wait again" i internally sighed "hmm?" he looked at me with a smile "wanna hand out if you're not doing anything later?" i thought about it for a second then remember i had homework "ahh sorry i have homework that i need to finish i already got an extension cant miss it again sorry again" i saw a his shoulders drop only sightly and i walked off to check out the book heading back some wishing that my homework was magically already done

*time skip* 


Just as i was getting to sleep i heard knocking ignoring it thinking it would go away but unfortunately no it wouldnt go away instead it got progressively louder and louder soon i heard someone yelling i got up out of bed closer i got to the door i sounded more recognisable 'hori?'

i opened the door and guess right standing there was hori with her little brother souta i smiled "can i help ya?"  her eyes seemed too of brightened "mhm yes wanna hang out with me , souta , Miyamuru and syu?" i sighed "nah not to day im too sleepy " her shoulders dropped as her smile started fading "ah fine fine but we will hang here im not leaving my house today" she got happy sending 2 messages to the boys as i went up to my room to get ready 

as i pulled on my top i exited my room seeing both boys there i smiled as we all started talking and gossiping about school and what the newest homework or test was and talking about all the random stuff that could come to mind as Souta watching whatever was on tv in the background. soon hori had to go dragging souta and miyamura with her , i watched as they left sighing in response , i found the remote for the tv and switched it off just as i sat back down with my phone a knock was heard yet again at my door , rolling my eyes as i went to see who it was. the door opened to reveal syu smiling

i raised my eye brows in surprise "hello? i didnt know you knew where i lived?" he shrugged in response still smiling with that energy he somehow always has "i came to ask if you wanted to hang out since we couldnt last time?" i playfully rolled my eyes at the statement "sure why not" opening the door wider letting him inside locking the door after he walked through "so you would never believe what happened, i was walking around cause i was very bored then i saw hori and her brother with miyamuru , i asked them what they were doing and they said they were just with you and i was like 'really?' then i remembered you promised me a hang out so i ask them were you lived and they said here" i sat with widened eyes 'thats how he knew ok- wait i never promised to hang out with him?' i raised a brow "i never promised to hang out with you" all he did was smile in return "are you sure i remember you saying it was a promise " i rolled my eyes yet again " you know you keep doing that your eyes are gonna end up seeing the inside of your head " i let out a breath of a laugh shaking my head at his words "so what did you wanna do?"i asked getting up readying get whatever i felt a hand grab at my arm pulling on the couch "lets just sit down and talk and maybe watch a movie i feel like we dont really ever talk at school" 

i nodded my head and got comfortable sitting a little bit away from him so that we are not to close "so what did you wanna talk about hmm?"

hi!! im so fucking sorry i haven't uploaded any books in so long ,  its been mentally draining have too keep up with everything and it took a lot out of me thinking that everything i wrote just wasnt up to anyones standers so i took a break i hopefully will get back into things but if im being honest it might take a while so im sorry if ypu have requested something last year and its not been published yet that is probably why im not taking requests anymore and i dont know if i ever will again sorry again to everyone 

thank you for waiting and requesting @peoplearescarylol again sorry for the delay  and im sorry if its not what you had in mind its been so long!!

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