(haikyuu) kita x reader (fluff) its all ok baby

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"Hey y/n hey hey what's wrong?? Sweetie whats wrong"

He walked over to my hunched over figure lifted my face to see me crying well more like sobbing he pulled me into his chest and whispered sweet nothings to me as he played with my hair

"Sweetie what's wrong you can tell me anything"

"I don't know what to do anymore"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean i finished high school and i still don't know what i'm doing who i want to be my parents are getting impatient with me all my friends know what there doing you know what your doing and i'm here still trying to figure out who i want to be and what i'm doing and it hurts and i am so stressed i can't!!!"

"Hey baby its ok its all ok to not understand what your doing yet baby it ok take some deep breaths ok no listen it's completely normal to not know what your doing with your life ok but just know that one day you will find the perfect job just for you and it will be amazing ok you just need to be patient ok not everything happens overnight it's gonna take some time just breath"

He hugged me tightly and picked me up and placed me on the bed and continued to play with my hair

"How are you so perfect"

He laughed and kissed the top of my head a whispered

"Cause i have the perfect soon to be wife ever and she's gonna be amazing one day"

"I love you shin"

"I love you too sweetie just know you need to go at our own pace stop worried about others so much and focus on yourself stop trying to please others when it's hurting you"

"I don't know where i would be if it weren't for you oh i know probably dead"

"Shhh baby i love you but you need rest"

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