{bungo stray dogs} Akutagawa x reader (fluff) you'r a dumbass you know that?

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y/n pov~~ 

me and Akutagawa had the day off do i decided to clean our room cause we both had no time to clean it cause of our jobs at the port mafia him being the 'rabid dog' and me being mori's right hand meant that we were both always busy and never had time to clean our room properly while i was cleaning Akutagawa was in are study office thing as well as our weapon room finishing a report for him last mission it was all going smoothly  up until i saw something running from one side of our room to the other side of the room it was nothing but a big black spider but then i couldn't find it so i thought it was nothing and i must of being seeing things cause i didn't have my glasses on so everything was a tad bit blurry but then i saw it again but it was crawling   up the fucking wall so i did what every normal person would do and no it was not to kill it no god no it was to scream bloody murder Akutagawa must of heard it well duh and he ran in to see if i was getting bloody killed 


"AKUTAGAWA KILL IT KILL IT NOW LET IT BURN IN FUCKING HELL JUST KILL LI PLEASE!!!!!!!" i screamed while running to hide behind him in literal tears 

"kill wha- ohh y/n ughhh fine" he replied in his usual voice while he grabbed his shoe that he was wearing and hit the spider killing it after killing the disgusting beast called a spider he turned to look at me and saw me in tears dragging me to our bed pulling me into his lap so that i was straddling him so he could look me in the eyes "honey what wrong are you that scared of spiders?" he asked in a uncharacteristically soft voice while wiping ping my tears all i could do was nod while leaning my face into his hand slightly embarrassed for being one of the most feared port mafia members being mori's RIGHT HAND but still scared of spiders Akutagawa chuckle softly and hugged me slowly leaning back to we were laying on the bed so that he was cuddling Akutagawa had never seen his s/o cry over something like this yeah he saw them cry over really important stuff but never like this a spider "shhh honey its gonna be ok yeah i love you and i promised to protect you from any danger and if that means spider then so be it"

"hehe thanks but i-i need t-t-to s-say you-r-r be-e-ing lik-e real-ly soft hehe and i l-ove it th-ank you babes" i smiled weakly and laugh just getting over crying "and i love you to babes" soon after about 10-20 minutes i was fine and he went back to doing his report and i continue to clean our room  

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