(assassination classroom) karma x reader (fluff) cutie

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"Hey cutie!~" i looked over my shoulder and saw karma walking up behind me i felt my cheeks get warm i shook it off

"Hey karma!~" i stopped so my best friend/ crush could catch up

That's right, it's cliche right? To have a crush on they guy i have known since forever but can't do anything about it cause he likes someone else

"Wanna skip??" i raised an eyebrow

"Karma we have exams around the corner we need to stay in class or else you will fail and if you do don't even think about coming to my crying~~~"

"But babe~~"

"Stop with the pet names people will think we're dating!"

I almost saw a hurt look in his eyes but shrugged it off and kept walking up the mountains

After class

4 failed assassination attempts 12 pages of homework mixed with 2 assignments how fucking great! Can you hear the sarcasm

"Hey y/n!" i looked and saw Nagisa waving i waved back

"Hey hey hey how's it going?"

"Im great , what about you?"

"Same old same old"

"Same old y/n anyway I know you're really good at (f/s) could you help me with it?"

"Sure! My house or yours?"

"Yours is the closest right?" i nodded "then yours?"

"Ok then my house it is!" we started walking and talked about ways to kill teach

What i didn't notice was someone glaring into mine and Nagisa soul

Karmas pov~

That bastard!!! I know what he's doing he's trying to make me jealous pretending to need help with (f/s) when he gets all A's he is also the only one to know i like y/n

The next day still karmas pov

I walked up the mountain like normally i saw y/n and was gonna say hi until i saw NAGISA! Ughhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Hey you guys!" i shouted trying to sound happy

"Hey karma" i looked at Nagisa with a slight glare he understood and said he needed to go i walked up to y/n and grabbed their arm and dragged them into the forest thing until we got far enough

"Karma what the hell are you doing??!!"

"y/n i need to tell you something"

"Go on then"

"I like you. I have for a while how could i not i love the way your eyes sparkle when you talk or see something you like how you always go to help me no matter what how we always prank each other how you help anyone in trouble yet you never let anyone walk all over you , you always say have an opinion your not afraid to share when someones wrong well more like teach them a lesson i could go on and on about what i love about you but then we would be here all day y/n i love you will you please only if you want be my s/o??"

Through that whole thing i never opened my eyes afraid of what she would say when i opened them i saw tears pouring down her face i panicked and wiped them

"Karma that was the sweetest thing ever and yes i would love to be your s/o i have loved you for a while to"

I felt my cheeks hurt from how big i think i was smiling i hugged her this is officially the best day ever

"Hey karma wanna skip?"

"I'm sorry?! Did I confess to the wrong person? The person I confess to always bugged me about going to class?!"

"Come one you doofus i wanna spend time with my boyfriend~~"

"Well then let's go girlfriend~~!"

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