{haikyuu} shirabu x reader (fluff) she's my girlfriend not yours

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hello this story is manly for my friend cause she wanted it cause she read a sad story of him and i offered to make one for her now this maybe kinda shit cause i dont know him that well but i will try umm yeah see bubs 

Y/N'S POV~~ 

being the shiratorizawa manager was really fun i was really close to everyone and one person in particular and that was shirabu he was quite the tsundere out in public he wouldn't really show that he cared and that he loved me but i knew that he did because why else would he have asked me out and also he shows that he loves me in his ways  but he would often fen get jealous of me being friends with the others in the team more specifically semi and kawanishi cause i was really close to them cause we were really good friends but its not like he would admit he was jealous oh no 

on Friday same as usual wake up have a shower (a quick one) get dresses eat something for breakfast and either drink some water or coffee which ever one i feel like then shirabu knocks on the door i open the door he comes in eats with me and we head off to morning practice after morning practice we head to class but unfortunately were not in the same class so we separated and after the first couple of lesson we meet up for lunch after that we head back to class then once hell i mean school is over its back to practice for about 2-3 hours but about half way through training something inside shirabu snapped 

shirabu pov~

it was a completely normal day for me and y/n but at training semi and kawanishi were a little to touchy touchy with MY girlfriend and i know i dont really act lovey Dovie but y/n would leave me right she told me she loved me so she would leave me for people who would probably show more affection then me no stop thinking this shirabu she would not have accepted my confession if she didnt yeah but thats when fucking kawanishi hugged her so i walked over the snatched my girlfriend away and held her by her hips and gave a nice not to heated kiss but not just a peck either when i pulled away y/n was in shock and i looked over to them and said 

"she is my girlfriend not yours back off"i grabbed y/n by the hand and walked out of the gym not really caring if there was like 1 hour left of training all i wanted was to go home for the weekend and cuddle my girlfriend and show her affection cause i refuses to think of a life without my amazing 'small'(hehe love ya babes) girlfriend   


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