(my hero academia) mina x reader (fluff) i am so proud of you

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this is a girl x girl 


me and mina have been dating for the past 4 months in secret because i have yet to come out to anyone that i am _____(i dont want to pick the sexuality so you just put your here) but to day is the day that i come out to my brother because our parents are overseas and are never home even when they come back here when school was over i walked up to my brother Kirishima 

" hey Eijiro i need to talk to you please"i tried to sound confident but you could easily tell i was nervous and scared Eijiro looked at me concerned and so did bakugou he always treated me like a sister "i have something really important to tell you bakugou you can stay for this i want you to hear this to" now they looked nervous and even more concerned than before 

"ok here goes nothing please dont hate me for this i am ____(again put your own sexuality here) and me and mina are dating"i said really nervously they both were in shock so they didnt say anything at first but then they saw the tears in my eyes and Eijiro hugged me really tight 

"hun i would never hate you i dont care what your sexuality is i will aways love you ok you will aways be my little sister i aways kinda new anyway haha cause the way you looked at her and how when someone would hit on her i saw how you would get angry or when she was hurt how you would be the first one to help her"he told me letting me go slowly then bakugou came up to me and hugged me super tightly 

"dipshit i could never hate you like what shittyhair said i dont care who your attracted to ok your always like a little sister to me to"he told me letting me go 

as we were walking back to the dorms mina come running at me and ups on my i caught her just in time so we both would not fall over 

"did you tell them" to which i nodded yes to "thats great babes"i got really flustered at the nickname cause i was still not use to it "hehe you cute" then she KISSES ME i was to in shock to do anything luckily it was get a peck or i would have died from being to damn flustered i then heard small chuckle coming from the boys i put mina down and gave my brother a quick punch in the chest but bot hard enough to hurt him and ran in side cause i will still blushing like man i think i put my brothers hair to shame once i got to my room i hid in my pillow until i heard someone come into my room and saw it was my bubbly girlfriend mina she slipped in to the bed with me and cuddle me so she was onto of me we just sat there in silence until we both fell asleep  

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