(bnha) Bakugou x reader (fluff) Everybody talks

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hey hey hey~ i would just like to say thanks to @25layla11 for the idea 

p.s this is a soulmate au where your soulmate can hear you singing~ also the song the reader will be singing is 'Everybody talks' by neon trees 

y/ns pov~~

just as the last bell rang mister Aizawa let everyone go, as they were all packing there things mina ran up to me asking if they would like to hang with the so call 'bakusqaud' "sorry mina i cant today i need to study you know my parents want me to have good grades" she sighed and 'sobbed' as i walked off 

i placed my headphones on and played my favourite song every 'Everybody talks' but neon trees i turned the volume up and let it play as i headed to my door room.

once i got to the dorms i grabbed a quick drink of water and a little snack saying hi to people in the common room i walked up to my room and closed my door

i placed my bag down and got changed out of my school uniform and got into some comfy gray sweat plants that were overly baggy and a black tank top.

i grabbed my laptop and my books from my bag and placed them on my desk i walked to my stereo and played (again) 'everybody talks' and sat down on my desk chair opening my laptop and started on my homework and assignments

when it hit the chorus i sang along  with it 

Bakugou's pov

i was hanging out in my room when the 5 idiots barged in and made themselves at home as much as i yelled they seemed unbothered but as i counted i noticed one missing what was their name again right y/n 'hmm at least that one less annoying person' 

then suddenly i heard some sort of music playing it sounded like singing but the thing was there was no music playing

but them i remembered something the old hag said to me when i was younger about soulmates and hearing them sing 

i thought it was all nonsense since i have never heard it

but it was strange it sounded like someone i knew but i couldn't put my finger on it

thats when i recognise the song it was idiot number 5's favourite song and the more i heard the singing the more it sounded like like ' no no no no no no it cant be! IS MY SOULMATE Y/N! FUCKING L/N!!!!! NO NO OH FUCKING GOD NO'  i got up and stormed out of my room leaving the others in confusion i stormed my way to y/n's room 

only to find out it was true i could still hear the singing and i heard them playing it and singing to it softly 'their voice it so beautiful - UGLY THEIR VOICE IS UGLY!!!' 

i slammed their door open only to scare them

"umm Bakugou??"

"im gonna be straight up with you you are my soulmate"

"ummm excuse me?"

"your my soulmate you knowing the whole soulmate thing?"

"yeah i know but thats just a rumour isn't it?"

"Apparently not cause i heard you singing from my room and no one else heard it"

"oh umm well then what do we do now about this whole thing cause i have no fucking idea?"

"i dont either"

"well um how about this we go on some 'dates' and see what happened from there?"

"fine bye"

i walked out and went back to my room 'shit ok well umm what the fuck?'

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