(hxh)Phantom troupe x y/n with b/f/n (fluff) what?!

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now before we get into this i just wanna say that this was based off a conversation i had with my friend jay there is two kinda clear couples and that is y/n is with shalnark and b/f/n is with feitan (jay loves shalnark so yeah and i love feitan so yeah) if you dont like it then dont read it theres not a lot of couple shit in it anyways its more based on y/n and b/f/s

as y/n and b/f/n came back from the mission they were sent on they were chatting about something no one really knows what not even them 

b/f/n opened the door and stuck her tongue out at y/n and ran behind shalnark y/n laughed then chased after b/f/n 

"YOUR NEVER GONNA CATCH ME ALIVE BITCH" b/f/n ran and got on top of a big ass rock y/n grabbed the knife she carries around to which b/f/n pulls out her knife and yell's "FEITAN GAVE MINE BACK SO FIGHT ME BITCH"

little background information this happens often so which feitan and shalnark took their knifes off them but they had got them back

y/n yelled at b/f/n as she ran out of the hideout away from y/n the troupe scared to leave them alone knowing that they might just kill each other walked out with them to see y/n holding b/f/n by the shirt b/f/n had turned slightly to the troupe to mouth a help but they only shock they heads y/n dragged b/f/n inside 

"hold on hold on i need to say my final goodbyes cause i might just die anyway see ya bitches not you feitan love ya~!"b/f/n yelled as y/n glared at them

"if any of you's try to help her i will stab you no hesitation got it" y/n dragged b/f/n inside b/f/n manages to escape and runs 


y/n grabbed her knife so did b/f/n as they were about to strike they both were pulled back they look to see their boyfriends holding them

"aww come on babe let me go so i can kill that demon thing!" y/n said with struggling to get out of his grip

"ME THE DEMON OH BITCH I SWEAR WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU! FEITAN LET ME GO!!!! I NEED TO KILL THIS PEST!" b/f/n yelled also struggling to get out of feitans arms


"OH YOU LITTLE BITCH I SWEAR FEITAN IF YOU DONT LET ME GO SO I CAN KILL THIS PEST OF A BITCH I WILL NEVER GIVE ANY FORM OF AFFECTION TO YOU!" as b/f/n finish her sentence y/n got out of shalnark's grip so did b/f/n they were about to stab each other till chrollo got in the way and started to lecture them about safety and not to hurt other troupe members 

"Tch this old man always got in the way, lucky he is handsome" y/n said scoffing 

"i know right ugh! hey i heard a new coffee place opened they apparently they have really nice coffee and food?~"

"omg yes! lets go!~"

they walked out of the hideout like nothing had happened like 2 minutes before hand like they were not trying to kill each other as much as they did that not once had they seen them make up so fast

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