You're my Everything

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After 5 days of the arrival of trio, Shree Ram's coronation ceremony is held. The three queen mothers especially Kaikeyi are too glad to see their Ram is coronated as king.

Shree Ram and Mata Sita are dressed in royal red and golden attire coming in Rajyasabha Lakshman and Shatrughan on their either sides while Bharat hold their royal crowns. Mandvi, Urmila and Shrutkirti are behind them.

Kulguru Vashishth do Rajyabhishek, all Dev and Devi from heaven pours flowers on them.

They bowed down their heads towards kulguru, he blessed them for blissful life.

All citizens of Ayodhya are blessed to have Shree Ram as their king.

After few days the four brothers are too busy in court with social and political affairs so they have no time to their family.

In morning, Shree Ram is adorning himself for going to court while Devi Sita helped him in wearing his ornaments. She is thinking about her sisters which is noticed by Ram.

"Sitae...What happened dear? Is any thing trouble you?" asked Ram standing front of her.

"Aa..umm...Swami I want to tell you something." She hesitated.

"Don't need to hesitate, tell me." He puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Swami !! I'm in dilemma with my sisters. They need to spend some time with their husbands but they can't, after all happiness come in their life after 14 years. Can you do something for them?......Please."

"Don't worry dear, I will talk to my brothers in this matter."

In late evening, after court Ram called their brothers in his chamber. Bharat, Lakshman and Shatrughan  came and bow down to Ram-Siya.

"Bhaiya..any important matter about Ayodhya?" asked Bharat.

They both smiled and exchanged look.

"Yeah Bharat it's very important matter but not about Ayodhya it's about you three." said Ram with smile.

"About us......?" They confused.

Later Ram Sita explained them about the duties of a husband towards his wife. Ram ordered them to keep their responsibilities in mind with works of court.

The trio agreed with them and retired to their chambers.

It is full moon night, yellowish colour of moon light took all Ayodhya in its lap, lovely cold breezes are flow outside coming from the windows of corridores of palace which made Lakshman slighty shivers who is in way to his room. Today he is very tired because of continuous work of court but this cold breeze reminds him his Urmila, he smiles gently and wants to sleep peacefully in warm embrace of his beloved.

In LakshMila's chamber

Urmila removing her fineries sitting in front of dressing table when Lakshman entered in room.
She stood up in order to welcome her husband.

Lakshman gave his crown to her and sit on the bed, she placed it on proper place and sit beside him.

"Swami...Are you tired?" She asked.

Lakshman Priya UrmilaWhere stories live. Discover now