The Mysterious Journey

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"From Kashi. This letter comes from Kashi. As it has Royal stamp mark of kingdom." Ram Bhaiya clarified.

"What is written in this?" I asked.

"Nothing! It's totally blank."

"But, Lakshman I don't think this letter has come from Kashi. Why would they send us blank letters? As sending a blank letter to anyone isn't a good sign. It represents enmity or revenge." He said and we heard some gasps from our Matas.

"MAA, please don't go outside the palace for a few days. This can prove to be dangerous. And everyone else be careful too. The people of Ayodhya should also be alerted." He ordered.

"Mata Sumitra, can I send Lakshman to Kashi to investigate this matter as a nereby kingdom of Kashi plan to attack on Ayodhya." Ram Bhaiya asked.

"You never need a permission Putra." MAA replied with a small smile. He looked at me while I nodded getting his command. I walked back to my room and Urmila followed me. Everyone else left from their too.

I returned back to my chamber to pack my necessary stuffs. Urmila also helped me. As we done I look at her eyes which are on the verge of crying. I sighed and call her.

"Urmila!!" She looks at me but soon breaks our eye contact.

"Urmi! Are you scared?" I asked but she just kept ingoring me, turns behind. I hold her wrist and pull her towards me, joining our foreheads. My hands are on her cheeks while her hands on mine.

Just one touch of mine and tears made their way through her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm scared, too much scared. For you!!" She said cutely tightly closed her eyes.

"Don't be..." I smiled.

"It's just a matter of few days. Till then take care of yourself and my sons. Hmm?"

"I promise Urmi, I will be back." I wipe her teary eyes and nose which is red due to continuously crying.

"Now smile. I want my that courageous Urmila back who defeated her future husband in a sword fight in Mithila." I tried to remind her. And Finally, finally she smiled. I peaks her forehead and took her in my arms.


After taking blessings of Matas and Ram Bhaiya, I started my journey. I have wisest Senapati of Ayodhya with me along with a contingent of army. I told Bhaiya that there was no need for the army, but still he didn't agree and sent the army with me.

It has been 6 hours and now we have crossed the border of Kosal region. The largest and richest kingdom in the entire Aryavat.

“Kumar Lakshman, I guess we should stay here only tonight. It is going to be dark and the path ahead is full of poachers and dangerous tribes." Senapati suggests. I looked up at the sky and shook my head.

All the soldiers started making arrangements. And after half an hour, I entered inside the tent. I laid down on the bed and various thoughts surrounded my mind. Like first one is that unknown letter. I don't know from where did it come but I'm sure it wasn't from Kashi. It's something a huge matter. Second one is the mystery that Ram Bhaiya told me before coming. Why didn't he told me before? May be there's a reason behind it. Now third one is my Urmi. My Urmila. I felt so much proud to call her mine. I saw love, care and concern for me in her eyes. I know she's going through the same pain now which she went through for 14 years because of me. The Pain of Separation. I am also going through the same pain.

I wipe out the lone tear which is escaped from my eyes unknowingly. Suddenly I felt something weird at the window. Like someone is there.

"Who's there?" I asked but no response. I checked out the whole area but I found no one. I returned to my tent. Tomorrow we have to leave early for Kashi so, I slept.


After a tiring journey of more than 5 hours we finally reached Kashi. My Nanihal.

"Nanashree!" I called him in order to gain his attention as he is standing in Garden with his back facing me. He turned and a smile crept his lips.

"Lakshman.." I tried to touch his feet but he hugged me.

"Laksh..." It's my Nani Maa. I hugged her also. She put her hands on my cheeks and kissed my head just like she used to do when I was a kid. I met rest of family members also.

"Mamashree! Has Kashi's Royal Stamp been stolen?" I asked as we are in Arena. At first, he startled at me. Then, he gestured me to come with him. I followed him. He opened a door and I was awestruck witnessing the view inside the room.

To be continued......

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Is Lakshman in danger?

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