Bundles of Joy

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Lakshman's POV

"Today I'm very happy. The meeting with Ministers of Sultanpur (imaginary city) was successful, now vast expended Kosal kingdom has treaty with other biggest kingdom. No one defeated us, NO ONE." I proudly thought while walking towards my room.

I'm very much excited to tell Urmila about this and make her proud on her handsome husband, but wait she was not alright in morning I think she has fever or headache or something other, I have to go early, so I speed up my steps and reach my room as soon I can.

I entered in our room, and for my shock Urmi is not here. It's strange where is she?

"Urmi !! Urmi !! Where are you?" I reached the balcony to find her. But she's no where in room. I decided to go out to find her but suddenly my gaze fell on a portrait placed on side table.

The same portrait Urmila gifted me on our first night. In which we both are sitting on a couch holding each others hand. She wrote something in her beautiful handwriting on upper right side of portrait, my lips get curved in smile after reading this....

From Urmila
To her Urmilesh

"Most precious gift of our life"

"Gift, which gift?" This gift term took me in confusion.

Suddenly I saw something different in it, there are three persons in portrait, Me Urmila and a baby in Urmila's lap.
IS SHE MEAN......?

I felt two soft hands wrapping my arms from back. I turned to find Urmila with a sweet smile on her face standing behind me.
I turned her to face me.

"Urmi...What is this?" I asked her pointing towards portrait. She smiled and fixed her gaze on floor. The Portrait with baby and her expression told me everything.

"Urmila.....Ye sach hai?" I raised her chin to meet my eyes to her. Her eyes shining like twinkling stars.

"Ekdum sach Swami" she comes little near me and whispers in my ears.

I'm surprised for a couple of minutes and took her in my bone cracking embrace. I broke the hug, pecks her forehead.

"Urmila...... Really this is most precious gift of our life. Today I am feeling that I'm the happiest person on whole earth. Thank you...Thank you so much dear for such a wonderful suprise." I confess my happiness in one go while she is smiling on my excitement.

We both share a passionate kiss in order to suppress our happiness.

"I'm eagerly waiting to take my kids in my lap" I cuddled her.

"Me too Swami" she rested her head on my chest.

Here's the another update guys.

Hope you all like it.

Hope you all like it

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Lakshman Priya UrmilaWhere stories live. Discover now