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"I want you Prince Lakshman." Vanmala exclaimed making me froze at my place.

"Wha-t what are y-ou you saying?"

"You heard it absolutely right Prince. I want to marry you." She said coming more towards me.

I felt someone snatched the ground from under my feet. I mean how on the earth, can this woman think that Lakshman can marry her or any other woman.

"Dhekhiye Devi..." She interrupted me.

"Vanmala...call me Vanmala. Please." She said, completely annoying me.

"Rajkumari Vanmala, I'm MARRIED." I tried to understand her, stretching the word Married.

"I know." She replied casually and so her father. Seriously!?
I mean seriously, how can a father get his daughter married to a person who is already married?

"I also know that you have two sons. And I'm sure they are charming as you." She said for which I widened my eyes while Veer pressed his lips to control the giggles.

"Rajkumari, I can't marry you." I announced.

"Why? Why can't you marry her?" This time MagadhNaresh Jaimal asked.

"Because I am already married. And I can't get married again." I replied calmly.

"So what happened? Kings have the custom of many queens. And we have no problem with your first marriage and your children." He said and I felt my blood is boiling in my body.

"You don't have any problem but I have. I can't marry. And it's Final." I almost yelled on him.

"Lakshman! You have only two choices." The king said, showing his two fingers.

"First one, marry my daughter or else we will attack on Ayodhya." He threatens me.

"What!? This matter is between me and you, then why are you bringing Ayodhya between us?" I said.

"I know how much you love Ayodhya and you can do anything for Ayodhya. And if you don't marry Vanmala, I can do anything with Ayodhya." He said."Lakshman! Understand one thing very well, Vanmala is my only daughter and I can go to any extent to fulfill her wish."

"You have to marry her." He ordered. I am feeling very helpless at this time. I can neither remarry nor put Ayodhya in danger bcoz of me. I am in a great dilemma.

God! help me. Please!!

"Say Lakshman! Will you marry my daughter or not?" He asked. What shall I answer? I have no answer.

"I-I ne-ed some time to think." I answered with great difficulty.

"No! I need an answer now. Prince, just say yes to the wedding." This stubborn girl exclaimed.

"Vanmala! One should not rush into the matter of marriage." King scolds her softly.

"You both stay in Magadha tonight. Tell us your decision tomorrow morning." He advised me. I was about to say why did we stay here? We can go back to Kashi too. But then Veer standing beside me whispered in my ear.

"Bhaiya! It is better than going back to Kashi, we should settle this matter here. This is good for both of us." By the way, Veer is also right. That's why I agreed to stay there.


It's night, Veer and I are still in our room. That's when Veer breaks the silence between us.

"Bhaiya! If Urmila Bhabhi comes to know about all this then she will definitely kill you." He said in teasing tone and giggles.

"Veer! My Sweet Brother!!" I said in extra cheesy voice, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"If you don't stop teasing me, then I will kill definitely you." He gulped down, knowing my anger.

"Are, Bhaiya aap to gussa ho Gaye." He showed me his 32-teeth smile.

I release him and sat down on a couch, with my face buried in my palms. I will not lie, I'm tensed. I'm extremely tensed. I don't know what will happen tomorrow? But one thing is sure that tomorrow either the security of Ayodhya will be at stake or my love.

"Bhaiya! Why are you getting so upset?" Veer asked sitting beside me.

"So what should I do, hero? What would you do if that princess had requested you to marry instead of me?" I asked, being curious.

"Then I'd simply say yes to her for our Marriage. I'm not married yet naa. Anyways, She's so beautiful." He said all this with keeping a hand on his heart. And I just rolled my eyes on my so called intelligent brother.

"Mene BHI kisse puccha?" I mumbled.

Just then, we heard a knock on door. A servant came to call us for dinner.

We sat down on dinning table with Veer beside me and the Magadh Princess Vanmala is sitting just infront of me. Looking no STARING at me. And trust me, I'm sweating under her penetrating gaze. It is so uncomfortable.

"Prince Lakshman! kheer lijiye naa." She said forwarding the bowl of Kheer.

"No, Bhaiya only likes kheer made by urmila Bhabhi." Veer defended me.

"No problem. After marriage I will learn to make kheer from Urmila didi." She said and I glared at Veer to speak such a stupid thing in front of her. I ate my food hurriedly and got up. I was about to leave when the king called me.

"Lakshman! You remember naa you have to answer tomorrow. So be prepared." I just nodded and leave from there.

To be continued........

So, here's another update.

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