The Curse

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"Once upon a time, there were two love flowers bloomed in Saket Dham. When Lakshmi-Narayan's dearest Sheshnaag and Ksheer Sagar fell in love. The whole Vaikunth was smelling the fragrance of their infinite love. When Samudra Dev agreed for the marriage of his daughter Ksheer, then Devi Lakshmi decided to get them marry from Vaikunth, after all Adishesh is Vishnu's Priya Sakha. Invitations were sent everywhere. Everybody was excited. Saket Dham was decorated like a new bride. But the twist in the story came when an Apsara who came with Indra Dev fell for Adishesh. The Apsara was fascinated by him. He made every effort to stop the marriage of both of them. But, the matter escalated when she tried to harm Devi Ksheer. Luckily she didn't get hurt much but Adishesh could not bear all this. The intensity of his anger was so much that even Vishnu could not handle him.
He started cursing Indra Dev because he had brought that Apsara with him there. Although it was not his fault in this, but whose control the uncontrollable rage of Adishesh. Despite all this, Vanmala, the Apsara started pleading with him for marriage. Enraged by her vile antics, Adishesh cursed her very badly....

"Stop all this nonsense of yours. I don't want to hear anything." Adishesh yelled angrily.

His voice was  enough to disturb the peaceful silence of entire Universe, to shake the whole three loks, to tremble all the Devas and Asuras on their place itself.

"But you listen to me for once. We will be very happy together. Anyway, what's in this Ksheer. You will be more happy with me." Vanmala uttered coming towards him only to increase his temperature which was already high. 

"Shut up!! Not a word more. First you hurt my sister and now you want to snatch her to be husband too. You are not ashamed to do this." This time Devi Lakshmi shouted, making Vanmala jump on her place.

Vishnu widened his eyes at her and looked at her with 'how my Rasmalai like sweet Lakshmi turned into Chilli Paneer like fire Lakshmi?' How did she, who has always been Endurance and patient, suddenly come in the Rudra Roop?
(Even God can't understand this most typical invention of nature i.e Woman 😝😝)

But now he can't pay much attention on his wife. The concern is that, Ksheer is injured, Vanmala uttering nonsense continuously and if she doesn't stop maybe she will also be injured.

"You don't know how bad it feels when you see your dear ones in pain. The feeling you have is not love but just an attraction.....a mere attraction." Shree Vishnu said softly, tried to make her understand.

"That's good when the creator of the universe Shri Vishnu or his priya Sakha is in love, then it is love, but when a modest apsara like me is in love then it is attraction." She replied with teary eyes while a sarcastic smile played on her lips.

"Love is a feeling Vanmala, in which you lose yourself in someone else's world. You become more of him/her than yourself. Love never sees high and low, good and evil. 'Love' is the only thing in the world that never discriminates. True love is found by everyone in the world, but the only difference is that some understand it and some don't. And I am one of those lucky ones who have recognized their true love." Devi Ksheer gave the most simplest definition of Love. With her Adishesh's hand in hers.
(My opinion on 'Pyar'. Aapka kya h? Comment here ☞)

"There is no use in explaining it. She can never understand love." Once again Adishesh roared.

"If that's the matter then, I won't let you be anyone else's if you can't be mine." Vanmala yelled, wiping her teary eyes.

Now Adishesh shows her, his form which he was trying to hide for so long.

"Shut up!! Don't you dare say a word..."

"We are all trying to convince you since when, but you are not agreeing. You hurt ksheer, you stopped our marriage, I didn't say anything but now I can't bear it. I Curse you Vanmala, You too will have to be separated from your love, you are very proud of your beauty naa, you will have to leave this beauty and be born in the Mratyulok, as a demoness." The anger that had filled him had finally the form of Curse.

"No! can't do this with me!!" Tears rolling down her cheeks.  She repeatedly pleaded in front of him to get back the curse, but he did not listen to her and left from there along with Ksheer.

She kneeled down in front of Vishnu, crying continuously.

"I can't do anything Vanmala, you know curses always show their effect."

"You're Jagannath Shree Narayan,  You can easily ineffective  this curse.  Pls.....pls do something for me." She sobs down.

"No! I'm not. It's Mahadev Shiv. Only he can help you. But, know this thing very well Vanmala, you have to regret your deeds."

Flashback ends

"So, let's end this curse." Kulguru suggested.

"And how do we end this? Lakshman questioned, though he knows his answer.

"Lakshman, you have to marry Vanmala...." He said making all of them froze on their place except four.

To be continued......

So, I am here guys, yeah after almost a month.

I'm really sorry for this late-est update.
But this hectic online classes can't let me write anything.

And what you guys think about Lakshman and Vanmala's marriage?

Do comments and votes.

Lot's of Love❤

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