Unknown Letter

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"Chandra!! Chandra stop!!" I breathed heavily as my son make me runs marathon early in the morning. It's my morning chores, first I have to wake their Pitashree, who doesn't leave me easily and then wake up my little angles, who also throw tantrums in waking up but yeah, not as much as their father.
AHH!! Stubborn Men.

"Chandra! Come on I will make you a nice bath baby." It's my Swami who also defended our sons. He kneeled down and my 2 years old baby runs in his father embrace. The duo always shares a unique pair. Sometimes Angad also joins them but he is more attached with me. Just like mumma's boy.

"No!! You both can't take bath together." I announced. Bcoz whenever they entered inside bathroom together they didn't take bath but they do water fighting and that too for more than an hour. They didn't came out until they messed up whole bathroom.

Chandra has 'why??' look on his face which soon replace by pleaded one. He shows me his puppy eyes and I know he acted. Yeah, he always acted to pacify me. I just rolled my eyes on his old tricks.

"But Urmi, when WE both share bathroom then, why I can't with my son? Huh?" Swami smirked. Like seriously!! I mean they said all this loudly, infront of our sons. Yeah, I know they are still not big to understand this shameless talks of their father. But how he can?? Firstly I shocked, but soon I felt red hue on my cheeks. I'm blushing. Blushing on shameless talks of my so romantic husband.

He wrapped one arm on my shoulder with Chandra still in his arms. "So, now we can take bath NAA." He smirked more while I nodded silently looking down. He always has his own ways to make me blush. I heard Swami giggled loudly, going inside.

"Maa!! I have taken a bath." Angad spoke walking out of bathroom, wrapping a towel around his tiny waist. I smiled. Maa always said he is just like me early riser, punctual and fond of books. I ruffled his hairs and kissed his cheeks.

"Come on, I help you in getting ready." I picked him in my arms and make him wear his clothes, until Chandra also come with Swami. I dressed him too.

"Maa, we both brought the Bade Pitashree's blessings!!" Angad exclaimed. It is their daily routine to take blessings from elder especially from Ram bhaiya. I nodded and they went out of the chamber.

"Urmi!! Dear, help me in wearing this ornaments." Swami said in extra chessy tone and I can feel 'Dal me Kuch Kala hai.'

I walk to dressing table and help him in wearing his Angavastra, Armband and at last his Crown.

"Urmiley! You're looking angelic. This lehnaga exactly define your beauty." He stood infront of me and grinned but I can sense he is tensed about something.

"Firstly, this not a lehnaga Swami, This is Saree!!" I spoke and he once again looked me up to down.

"And second, what are you hiding? I know you're tensed. You always said naa that I'm your better half then you can share with me. And I promise, I won't judge you."

He sighs and holds my shoulder. "It's about Kashi. My Nanihal. My Nanashree KashiNaresh found an information that a nereby kingdom of Kashi planned to attacked on Kosal Pradesh. So, Ram bhaiya wants that I should go there and enquired the matter."

"But I also have duties here, I mean Angad, Chandra they are still a little child and they need both of us. And I have already given you pain and separation of 14 years....."

"You should go." I interrupted.

"But Urmi.."

"It's your duty Swami, to protect your motherland. And being a warrior how can you remain silent when you know your Kingdom is in danger. I'll take care of everything here. You don't worry." I assured him.

"I prepare for departure." He nodded.

Just then we heard a knock on door. I opened to find a maid standing there with a message that Ram bhaiya ordered everyone to gathered in Mata Kuashalya's room.

We entered inside only find all family members with confused expressions.

"Bhaiya!! What happened? Any emergency!?" Swami asked.

"Last night, Arya Sumant found this letter hanging on Royal Entrance." Ram bhaiya gestured a letter in his hand.

"And where did this letter come from?" Bharat bhaiya asked.


To be continued.....

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What you think what is in the letter?

And what's the Kashi's mystery?

And what's the Kashi's mystery?

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