Most Precious Moment

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Urmila's POV

"Oo God !! what happened to me? Why am feeling so restlessness? I felt nausea in mid of night, and now this headache" I thought while holding my paining head.

"Urmi....Dear what happened? Are you okay?" His words pull me out of my trance.

"Ahh....Vo swami..." I said but control myself from saying anything more, thought..."No Urmila what are you doing, if Swami comes to know about your health he will definitely make you to drink that undrinkable Kada."

"Have you heard my words?" He asked clicked his hands in front of my eyes.

"Haa...Haan I'm absolutely alright. What happened to me?" I lied in front of him for the first time because I know if I tell him about my condition, so he will definitely not attend the important meeting of court and stay with me for full day.

"I don't think that you're alright, you look pale weak and kaha kho jati ho barbar?" He asked me in his soft tone full of care.

"Urmila !! Chalo..."


"Vaidhya ji ke pass..."

"Nhi nhi Swami.... There's no need to go Vaidhya ji, Me bol rhi hu na me thik hu and what about your meeting, aap hi bol rhe the na it's very important for Ayodhya, So now...."I tried my best to console him, and for my good luck a servant came to informed that Jija shree immediately called Swami.

So he left after pecking on my forehead.

"Only Sita didi understand my condition, whenever I fall ill in Mithila she used to care me a lot" I thought and left for her chamber.

In Sita's room

"Didi...Didi where are you?" I reached in her room, almost running and called her.
I saw my both elder sisters standing near window.

They both turned to face me, I'm directly landed on couch my breath is heavy due to running.

"What happened Urmi? Why are you running like this?" Sita didi asked me and they both sat either side of me.

"Didi....Vo main..." I somehow managed between my breath and told everything about my problem.

As soon as I completed both of them exchanging knowing look, Mandvi didi brust in laughter while Sita didi smile slightly and try to came down Mandvi didi.
And poor me extremely confused to see my sisters weird behaviour.😕

"Didi.....How can you both laughing on my condition?" I yelled on my sistets.

"Urmi...You don't know that you're..... My dumb sister..." Said Mandvi didi pulling my cheeks.

"What are you saying didi? Please say it clear na" Now I'm hell confused.

"Urmi.... Let's go to Vaidhya ji" Sita didi said cupping my face.

We three walking to Royal physician, as soon as we reach her Sita didi whispers something in her ear. Now she starts to treat me.

When she hold my pulses she smiled and nodded in yes at my sisters. They both took me in embrace.

Now I'm dyeing to know this mystery, I broke the hug and pleaded my sisters to tell me what's going.

Sita didi cupped my face and said the most important thing of life that.......

"Urmi my dear sister you're going to be mother, mother of my soul brother Lakshman's kid. You're Pregnant. Scions of Raghus resides in your womb."

"My eyes get moist due to happy tears. Me carefree warrior princess of Mithila, I never used to care anything anyone even myself, now I get the reason to care, to love, to live for myself. A new life growing in me. Now... I'm blessed."

We share a hug, soon we heard a voice from behind..

"Without me didi" Shrutkirti pouted from behind.

Mandvi didi told her about my pregnancy and we sisters share a passionate hug.

"So...Jiji what's your plan to surprise our jijashree" naughty Shrutkirti asked me in naughty tone while I have an amazing idea for my Swami.

At evening, Lakshman entered in his room and get shocked to see......

In another update😅

To be continued.......

To be continued

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