The Birth (Part-2)

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On Dashmi Tithi,

At Ayodhya

There is happiness and happiness all around in whole Palace as just a day back Kumar Rani Mandvi gave birth two baby boys.

Now, it's evening time. Ram, Lakshman along with Bharat, Shatrughan returned from court and discussing something in Ram's room. After some time Bharat left for his chamber as Rajmata Kaikeyi called him to do some rituals with the newborns.

"Lakshman, Shatrughan now you both also take rest." Ram spoke while other two nod. They wrapped all important documents and placed safely on side table.

Ram is just going to bed when he hears some screams.


He moves out the room only to find froze Lakshman while Shatrughan is trying to figure out the case.

"Lakshman!! Kya hua?" Ram asked. But he is still in shock as he can't hear Ram's voice.

"Shatrughan, tum btao!!" Ram looked at him.

"Bhaiya, I was going towards my room when I saw Laxman Bhaiya talking to a maid and since then he has this condition." Shatrughan explained.

"What did the maid say?" Ram asked as Shatrughan moves his shoulder upwards with 'I don't know' look.

"Lakshman, what did the maid say?" Ram asked this time sternly. Which made him come out of shock.

"Bhaiya, she said...she said.." Lakshman speak.

"She said what?" They asked in unison.

"She said that Urmila is in LABOUR.." Lakshman exclaimed and literally shouted at the end. with stressed last word. They both sighed in relief and look at nervous Lakshman.

"So, bhaiya why are you shouting? It's normal." Shatrughan said.

"He's not shouting, Shatru. He's just nervous." Ram smiles.

"Lakshman, let's go inside." Ram took him with Shatrughan in his room.

Another half an hour and Lakshman took more 100 rounds of Ram's room. Ram is lying on bed comfortably while Shatrughan is pressing his legs.

"Bhaiya, Lakshman bhaiya doesn't seem too much worried? Shatrughan asked eyeing Lakshman, who is continuously rubbing his hands in nervousness.

Ram smiles before saying "Shatrughan, now you can't understand his situation. He is hell worried. Worried for that little life, who gives him the pleasure of becoming father. He is worried for his love, his Urmila. She is literally going to touch the death to give birth little ones. It's his right to get worried in this situation."

"Your time will also come soon!!" Ram said making him blush slightly.

Their conversation is disturbed by a knock. A maid enters inside after Ram's permission.

"Pranam Maharaj!!" She bows down to him and turned to Lakshman.

"Kumar Lakshman is being called by Rajmata Kuashalya. Rani Urmila gave birth two baby boys." She exclaimed only to make Lakshman jumped from his place.

" heard!!" His happiness has no bounds, he hugged Ram and he hugged back.

After breaking hug Ram said "Lakshman, jao.." He nodded.

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