Wedding... again

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"Urmila.." I called her.

She is taking off her earrings. Maybe she's changing in her night dress. She looked at me through mirror. Our eyes come in contact and......and this eye lock felt awesome, after the whole 2 weeks. Her that beautiful eyes in which I've always wanted to lose.

I walked slowly through the door towards her, without breaking our eye lock in between. I went and stood right behind her. Our bodies are almost colliding with each other. I held her arms while my chin rested on her shoulder.

She breathes deeply due to our proximity. And seriously I love this effect of mine on her.

"Urmi I..." I tried to spoke but suddenly we hear a knock on the door.


We heard Veer's voice. Urmila quickly freed herself from my grip and went to the bathroom while I cursed him under my breath.

He did this in the coronation ceremony of Ram Bhaiya and also in the naming ceremony of our children. My permanent romance killer.

I grumpily opened the door to  find Veer with sheepish smile.

"What is this Veer? Why are you.."

"It's he bhaiya not me." He interrupted me and pointed towards Shatrughan, who is standing with pressing his lips in order to control his giggles.

"Shatru...." I glared. He immediately made a serious face which is looking very hilarious. My mentally rolled my eyes.

"Voh...Ram  Bhaiya has sent us to call you." He clarified.

"And also to save you from Urmila bhabhi's scolding." Shatrughan whispers to Veer. They laughed making me narrowed my eyes.

"What's cooking between both of you?" I asked glaring at both. They shook their head and ran from there while I went to Ram Bhaiya's chamber.


"Wow, Laksh you are still alive! I thought my sister would make me proud today at least breaking some bones of yours!" Ram smiled, a little hint of mischievous is there which didn't  go unnoticed by him.

(The whole credit of above line goes to Apukar  OS. I really like this naughty dialogue by Ram so I add this. Obviously, after her permission. Hope you guys don't mind it.)

"Bhaiya!.." He whinnied like a child results Ram chuckle.

"Well, how's your wedding preparation going on?" Bharat asked with a teasing smile.

"Now, you also..."

"Okay..okay why are you both teasing me?" Lakshman asked getting irritated.

"Because you never leave a single chance to tease us my dear brother." Bharat told and Ram nodded in agreement.

Lakshman pouted angrily while both the brothers laughed aloud.

They have dinner and tonight Lakshmana will have to stay with Rama along with Chandra as Urmila will stay with Angad in  Mata Sumitra's chamber.

The night passed. Now, it's day. The day of Lakshman's wedding.... second wedding. As per discussion Lakshman and Vanmala were made to sit in the pavilion. He filled vermilion in vanmala's hair parting. Both tied the knot. At last all this has come to an end.

"Now I have to go, Nath." Vanmala said, joining her hands. Her eyes pooled up due to tears.

Lakshman nodded slightly. She turned towards Ram and bowed down.

"End this curse...Shree Narayan." Ram blessed her. A bright light came out of her chest and went into the Indra lok.

To be continued.....

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Next chapter will be LakshMila's reunion....

Stay tuned.

Lakshman Priya UrmilaWhere stories live. Discover now