Unfolding the Truth

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We have left for Ayodhya. We are going straight to Ayodhya without going to Kashi, that's why Veer is also going with us. I don't want any ruckus in Kashi regarding Vanmala.

I don't know what will happen in Ayodhya when everyone comes to know about Vanmala. What will happen to Urmila? What would the Matas think? What would others say? I don't know what will happen? But I do know that there is a specific motive behind what is happening. I hope everyone understands my helplessness....

I look behind the palanquin in which Vanmala is sitting. She is constantly staring at me. She is wearing beautiful pastel coloured lehnaga, completely laden in pretty jewelleries, today she is looking no less than an Apsara.

We have crossed the border of Kosal Pradesh. And till now the spies of Ram Bhaiya must have informed them about our arrival. Perhaps they would have told about Vanmala as well.

Finally, we entered Ayodhya. The Main Ayodhya City.

We entered the palace, only to find that our family had gathered to welcome us warmly. Hinting that, they are still not aware of this upcoming storm.

I went ahead and got the blessings of Matas first and then Ram bhaiya.

"Bhaiya!!" Shatrughan exclaimed from behind, happily. I hugged him tightly. And he did the same.

"We missed your Anger, Bhaiya." He chuckled. I gave him a glare but soon giggled along with everyone.

Veer also met everyone. I was just going to Urmila, who is standing with happy tears in her eyes, when Shatrughan called me from behind.

"Bhaiya! Who's she?" He asked, indicating Vanmala. Who looked everyone and everywhere excitedly. As she takes steps towards 'us', I could feel my heart beats dropping down.

"She..sh-e is...." I don't know what to answer.

"She is Lakshman's wife." Bharat Bhaiya declared, suddenly appearing from somewhere.

He told, and I can sense everyone's gaze....No intense gaze on me. I looked down as I haven't courage to meet my eyes with my dear ones.

"Say Lakshman, Is she your wife or not?" He again asked coldly. But interrupted by Kaikeyi Maa.

"Bharat! do you know what you are saying?" She asked in same tone.

"I know very well what I am saying. And you should also know one thing that whatever I am saying is true. Absolutely true." He retorted back. 

"She is not my wife....yet." I literally, muttered last word.


"Then, who's she? And why has she come with you?" This time he asked from Veer, who gulped down seeing rage of ever so calm Bharat Bhaiya.

"She is Magadh's princess, Vanmala, and she.....she wan-ts wants to marry Lakshman Bhaiya, that's why she is with us." He is also stammering like me.

He told, and I saw tears again brimming in Urmila's eyes but this time, they hurt both of us. But now, my concern is why Ram Bhaiya is so silent? Why is he not telling the truth to everyone? He is only listening our conversation but said nothing.

"But Bhaiya, How do you know that she is Lakshman bhaiya's wife." Shatru asked.

"A letter has come from Kashi that Lakshman is bringing the princess of Magadha with him as his wife." He replied, showing a letter in his hand.

"Bhaiya, ask him. What is all this going on?" He said to Ram Bhaiya, who just smiles in return.  I also pleaded to him through eyes to say something in my rescue.

"She is not Lakshman's wife." We heard a voice from behind. We looked towards the direction of voice only to found Kulguru Vashishtha standing at the door.

I sighed in relief as someone came to Unfold this Truth.

"Maharishi, Now you solve this mystery yourself." Kuashlaya Maa said. He smiled mysteriously and started telling a story.

"Once upon a time, in Saket Dham..."

To be continued.....

Here's the another chotu sa update guys.

Hope you like it.

Any guesses, what will happen in further chapter?

This matter will settle in next update, so stay connected.

And my dear silent readers please do votes and comments. It's encourage me to write and think more things.

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