The Shakti Spear

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After Few Years

At Ayodhya

Urmila is standing in the balcony of her room, thinking about her handsome husband and holding Angavastra in her hand.


Urmi muttered, lost in sweet memories of her beloved.


"Urmi!! Urmi! Where're you??" Laksh called her, entering inside his room.

"What happened Swami?" She asked, setting the bed.

"Maa told that you are going to Mithila??" he asked looking completely tensed.

"Say!! Is it right, or not..."

"'s right and only for 15 days." She said casually.

"FOR 15 DAYS!!" he shouted making Urmi roll her eyes.

"No Urmi!! How will I live  without you for 15 days, no I can't let you go for 15 days...."

"But it's only a matter of 15 days, Swami!!"

"Urmiley!! Priye!! 15 days are not only." He has mischievous glint in his eyes which isn't unnoticed by Urmi. "What will happen to our love if you leave?"

"Swami..." Urmi ran as her naughty husband tries to caught her.

Flashback ends

"Earlier,even 15 days you didn't take me away from yourself and now... left me alone for 14 years. Why Swami??"

Unknowingly, a lone tear escaped from her eyes. But soon she wipes it as she remembers the promise which she gave to her beloved.

At Forest

Laksh also misses her beloved Urmi but he never expressed his sadness infront of his bhaiya and Bhabhi.

"Wait for me Urmiley..." He kisses her ring which he brings with him.

But it says naa - Nobody conquer the fate. Devi Sita is kidnapped by Ravan and the two brothers went to search her. Then they meet Pawansut Mahabali Hanuman and Sugriv, king of kishkindha.
Sugriv helps Shree Ram to find Sita mata.

Hanuman informed Shree Ram that Ravan, king of Lanka dares to kidnap Lakshmi svaroopa Sita, the brothers went to Lanka along with vanar sena.

The war started among Ram's sena and Ravan's sena.

Indrajit comes from Ravan's side and Lakshman from Ram's side started fight with their bow and arrows, no one defeated one another but at last Indrajit attacked Lakshman with Shakti Spear which made Lakshman unconscious.

Shree Ram is very tensed as his brother suffered between life and death because of him.

Sankatmochan Hanuman saves Lakshman's life as he brings Sanjeevni Booti for him.

At last Lakshman defeated Indrajit.


It's mentioned in great epic Ramayan that the credit of Lakshman's victory goes to Devi Urmila because Lakshman had determined that he never sleeps in 14 years to protect his prabhu, and his wife Urmila accept his Nidra and sleep 14 years for her husband.

Indrajit also named as Meghnath was only defeated by a man who never sleeps, never eats and being separated from his wife for many years.

And Lakshman ji had all above three qualities so he defeated Meghnath.

To be continued......

To be continued

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