The Curse (part 2)

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"Lakshman, You have to marry Vanmala." Guru Vashishtha said making all of them froze on their place except four.

First one is Shree Ram, second one  is Prince Lakshman, third one is Magadh Princess Vanmala and fourth one is Guru Vashishtha himself.

"But...Gurudev it's impossible."

"These four princes have promised Maharaj Janak to perform 'Ek Patni Dharma'."

"Lakshman can't break the rituals of Raghukul by not keeping this promise."

The Rajmatas express their concern.

Kulguru smiled mysteriously and said "To end this curse Lakshman have to marry Vanmala. But he can't marry anyone else as he is already married to Mithlesh Kumari Vaidehi. Now only Mahadev has the solution for this."

"Then should we do penance for Mahadev?" Youngest Raghav asked.

"No, there is no need, because someone has already done this work." Finally, Ram spoke much to Lakshman's relief.

"And who did this great deed?" asked Bharat.

Ram eyed towards Vanmala who's time to time glancing at Lakshman only to earn deadly glares from Urmila, who is standing in front of her right beside Lakshman.

"She!! And vanmala did this to avoid this curse. Am I right?" Kaikeyi asked curiously.

"You did it, Putri?" Kaushalya questioned, suprised. She nodded.

"Now, it's better if you explained out the things." Lakshman suggested looking at Urmila from corner of eyes. 

"As you say, Prannath" She said without any hesitation making Lakshman rolled his eyes while Mandvi and Shrutkirti giggle as they hear Urmila mummubled "Such a shameless creature."

Ram smiled secretly, sensing the situation in which his Priya Anuj is. The glancing and glaring of Vanmala and Urmila respectively at him, making him shuddered in fear.

"So, after that Curse I was completely heart broken. First of all I didn't get my love and second I had to go to Mratyulok that too in the form of Demoness.I could not bear all this and cried all night. I kept on praying to my lord to break this curse, but it was all in vain. Soon the time came when I had to go to the Mratyulok." She paused for while.

"According to the curse, I was born in the house of the king of Rakshasas. I was a newborn baby but I remember everything. My name, my existence, that curse everything. As I grew up my beauty waned which I was once very proud of. One day I left everything and ran into the forest, and there started the penance of Shri Shankar. I kept worshiping him in the forest day and night without eating anything. And finally he had to come. I told him the whole matter and prayed to him. He blessed me that I would be born in the house of a king and I would also get my love back but on one condition. She smiled painfully.

"I am so pleased with your hard work, my boon is you Vanmala, you will get both your beautiful form and your love i.e. Raghukul Kumar Lakshman. You will also get married to him, but after marriage, as soon as you see Shree Vishnu incarnated in Nar Roop (Shree Ram), you will have to go to your original place, Indra Lok." She repeated the exact words which Mahadev said to her.

They all nodded,understandingly.

"Look at my fate, even after meeting my love, I will not be able to live with him." She spoke as tears formed in her eyes. Lakshman's eyes soften at her, but he is helpless. He can't do anything for her.

"Vanmala, what is in our destiny is best for us." Ram said with his ever calm smile. A smile appeared on everyone's face most especially Urmila, who got her husband again which is already her.

"Tomorrow is the best day for this marriage and also for the end of this curse. So the wedding should be organized tomorrow itself." Kulguru Vashishtha announced.

Soon Rajmata Kaushalya distributed the marriage work among all. Although it is going to be a small ceremony, still preparations for Puja and other essential things are necessary.

The whole day Lakshman kept trying to meet Urmila in private, but she always kept herself busy with some work or the other.  He knows that she will be very angry with him, after all, it is not wrong for her to be angry at what happened.

It's evening now. He sees her going to their room. He also went after her, went inside room and closed the door. As he turns back he sees her taking off her earrings.

He calls her "Urmila..."

She looked at him through mirror.

To be continued........

How's the chapter guys?

Hope you like it.

So, this is the Vanmala's story. According to this Lakshman had another wife (s) other than Urmila but they was not living with him. It's only Urmila who stayed with him as his chief queen, which she actually was.

Do tell your reviews.

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