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I know what you're thinking and it's that I probably hid her birth control, but no, I didn't

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I know what you're thinking and it's that I probably hid her birth control, but no, I didn't. Kids are a very scary thing.

It was simply just the power of two people fucking and me nutting in her. It was bound to happen, anyway.

Especially after our sex marathon with the viagra two weeks ago.

We both stopped at the house to take the tests after a call we had.

Truck and ambo were outside waiting. They didn't know that we were taking pregnancy tests.

I watched as she peed in a paper cup. She handed it off to me and I took the tests out of the box and started sticking them in the pee. I never in all my years of living imagined sticking a stick in someone else's pee. But hey that's life.

The thought of being a dad never really crossed my mind until I was with Kimani. She makes me want things I didn't even imagine wanting before her.

Looking at all 5 tests on the counter low key made me scared. Am I really ready to be a dad?

"Set the timer on your phone to three minutes," I told her.

"I know. This isn't the first time I did this shit." She mumbled, but I heard her.


"What did you just say?" She ignored me.

"Kimani?" I raised my voice at her.

"Vincenzo, relax. I had helped my sister with one. You're doing too much."

"You're doing too much. That was random to say." I argued back.

Three minutes are going by too fucking slow.

"Can you stand still, you're making me hot?" She snapped at me and I glared at her.

"Look at what you're fucking wearing." I pointed out. She had on her work clothes then on top of that the paramedic jacket. "Trying to blame me for you being hot," I mumbled.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"Nothing. Don't even worry about it." I didn't even feel like arguing with her right now.

"It's your fault we're in this predicament, anyway." She muttered.

"How the fuck is it my fault?" I got my turnout gear and headed back to the truck.

Kimani really just says shit to get under my skin and doesn't even know how bad it pisses me off. Maybe we've been around each other too much and that's why we're arguing.

I hopped in and slammed the door.

"Trying to blame shit on me when it takes fucking two." I lowly mumbled to myself.

"You good, Captain?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, I'm cool. We just had to handle some shit." I grumbled.

As he pulled off, I saw Kimani come out of the house and hop in the ambo truck. An attitude was clear on her face as well.

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