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When I pulled up to my building, I saw Kimani's car parked in my usual parking spot so I parked next to hers

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When I pulled up to my building, I saw Kimani's car parked in my usual parking spot so I parked next to hers. I walked into my building and took the elevator to the penthouse level.

Opening my door I grinned seeing Kimani laying on my couch waiting for me, but it quickly fell when I saw her red eyes and dried-up tear stains on her face.

Lately she's been spending the night here, not wanting to be alone and I honestly didn't mind. I liked her so I didn't mind being around her a little more.

"Kimani, what's wrong?" I asked, dropping my keys on the coffee table. "Did something happen with your dad?"

Kimani looks up at me and starts to cry. You know those moments where you feel so overwhelmed and someone asks you what's wrong and it just makes you want to cry? This was that.

I walk over to the couch and pull her into my arms so I could comfort her. She wrapped her arms around me and cried into my chest.

"He's not getting any better and I'm scared Vince." She says through tears.

"He's going to be okay. I'm sure your dad is strong enough, and he's going to make it through." I try to reassure her. I wasn't good with situations like these but I wanted to try my best to comfort her and make her feel at least a little better.

 I wasn't good with situations like these but I wanted to try my best to comfort her and make her feel at least a little better

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After I calmed down enough, Vincenzo pulled away a little so he could leave a kiss on my forehead. He then leans down to kiss my lips and I eagerly kiss him back.

I end up straddling him as we continue to kiss eagerly. Was this a good way to let out my feeling about my dad? Probably not but anything would help. And I like Vincenzo so it's a plus.

Vincenzo's tongue slips inside my mouth as he grips my throat. He starts leaving kisses along my neck.

I moan at the feel of him sucking on my neck.

"Let me take you out." He continued his attack on my neck as he mumbled sweet nothings into my ear.

"Mmhm." I moaned.

"I think that's a yes? Sí, mio amore?" He spoke in Italian, only making me hornier.

"Mmm-Hmm." I moaned as he went to sucking on my neck again. I wasn't even worried about what he was asking, he was making me feel good and that was all that mattered in this moment.

My phone started to ring and we both ignored it, continuing to take off each others clothes.

"Wait, Vincenzo. My phone." After another couple of seconds, he had finally let me go.

He tosses me my phone and I quickly answer it before it stops ringing.

Vincenzo leans down and kisses my cheek and says,"I'll be back." before going upstairs.

"Hello?" I answer as I try to catch my breath.

"Aye, get down here and come say hi to me." I heard his voice and a smile was immediately put onto my face. The love I have for my dad is unmatched to any other. I put it on FaceTime so I could see him.

"When the hell did you wake up? I was worried about you. I was just in here crying over you because they said you were getting worse—"

"Kimani shut up, dang!" He cut me off from my rambling and started laughing. Then winced from the pain.

"You're really good?" I ask again, feeling like this is a dream.

"Yeah, just come on." He hung up on me laughing.


"I heard the news on my way back down. I have to go somewhere, though. Do you want me to drop you off at the hospital?" Vincenzo says, while walking back into the living room.

"Where are you going?"

"With my brother Remy." He says, while picking his jacket up and throwing it back on.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Okay, you can drop me off at the hospital. I'm so glad that he's awake."

not my man, so im not gonna question it

"See, I told you. He's fine." He smiled at me and left a quick kiss on my lips.

He seemed weird, as if he was hiding something. I don't have time to sit here and worry about it though. My dad's awake and seems to be okay so that's what my primary focus is on.

We walked to the car, and he opened my door so I could get in. After about 20 minutes we pulled into the parking lot of the hospital.

As I was about to get out of the car, Vincenzo looked over at me as if he was waiting for something.

"What?" I acted as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"You're forgetting something?"

Sucking my teeth, I rolled my eyes playfully and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

He glared at me. "you're always playing."

He pulled me closer and crashed his lips into mine and slips his tongue inside my mouth.

I moan into the kiss and he moves his hands down onto my add and squeeze it.

He lets out a groan and then pulls away. "I think I might have to cancel on my brother."

"Mmhm, well I have to go." I grabbed my phone out of the cup holder and then my purse.

"I'm not lying, Kimani. What do I have to lie for, anyway?" See exactly he's lying. I know he is. He just made himself look more guilty than he already was looking.

"Never said you were though." I got out of the car and started walking.

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