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"So how are you doing? I feel like I haven't been checking up on you a lot

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"So how are you doing? I feel like I haven't been checking up on you a lot." I asked Ross.

We got a call for a child in distress and that's where we are headed right now.

"Umm." She paused. "I'm doing... good. How about you? You and Vincenzo?" She quickly changed the subject.

I eyed her suspiciously, but then brushed it off.

"We're good, going on strong. We're almost at a year." I cheesed as I thought about our relationship.

I'm in a really happy place right now.

"That's great. I'm so happy for you." She forced a smile onto her face. I gave her my full attention.

"Seriously. What's wrong, Kara?"

"Oh, look at that. I'll let you know later. I promise." She assured as we pulled up to the scene.

I quickly got out and grabbed one of the medic bags while Ross grabbed the other one.

A man waved us down and led us into a nice, cozy looking home. "My daughter. She collapsed onto the floor."

"How long has she been like this?" Ross asked as she checked her pupils. "Pupils are dilated."

I started her on an IV saline drip.

"What's her name?"

"Cora." He stuttered out. " and 5-10 minutes, maybe?"

"Hey, Cora. If you can hear me squeeze my hand, sweetie." I calmly reqeusted. I got no response.

"Let's hurry and transfer her." I quickly ran out of the house and grabbed the stretcher.

I put it as close as I could to the house. I grabbed the backboard and went back inside the house.

"What's happening?" She whined out.

"It's okay sweetie. The paramedics are going to help you." Her dad kissed her forehead.

We got her on the backboard and the little girl's dad helped us carry her to the stretcher. We strapped her in and put the stretcher in the rig.

Ross took her BP. "BP is 137/90. She's hypertensive." She shouted. "Pushing beta blockers." She pushed the medicine and her BP started going back to normal.

"Good for transport?" I asked.

"All good, Davis."

As I was closing the doors, a lady with porcelain skin and brunette hair screamed out, "Stop! What are you doing? That's my damn daughter."

She pushed past me, almost knocking me on the ground, and opened up the doors. "Jennifer, what the hell? Move so we can get her to the hospital."

"Ma'am I'm asking you nicely to move. You know you can get arrested for assaulting a paramedic?" I don't know if the last part is true or not. Shit, can you?

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