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This arc is called "Beginning of the end" Prepare to cry


TW // Suicidal Thoughts

As Techno leaned against the window, his eyes slowly trailed away from his screen and towards the ground below. He hesitated before shifting his laptop off his lap and placed a hand on the glass. It was only three stories, but he wondered what would happen if he could fly with great, big wings. He'd give anything to be able to fly away from his issues.

"Dad! I'm back!"

He ignored Tubbo, his eyes transfixed on the ground. Without thinking, his hand started moving towards the latch. He dully heard Tubbo walk into the living room as he fiddled with it, unlocking the window.


A hand on his shoulder caused him to jump. He whipped around and met Tubbo's concerned eyes. He realized he was holding his breath and he shakily exhaled as he locked the window again.

"Hey, Tubs. How uh," he glanced at the window, "How was school?"

Tubbo looked at his hand resting on the lock, "It was fine, I guess. Why were you...?"

"I uh, I was closing the window. I had it open for a bit and it was getting cold. From the snow and stuff," Techno gave him a small smile and forced his way up, heading to the kitchen.

"Dad, it's pretty warm in here. Are you sick? Other than, you know..." Tubbo asked, following him. They stopped in the kitchen, Techno grabbing a canned coffee and shaking it.

"I'm fine, just a little tired," he smiled and opened the can, drinking it as he made his way back to the window.

"Why'd you switch from tea?" Tubbo asked, looking into the fridge, "Dad, how many coffees have you had? There used to be a ton of them in here."

"Just stopped working for me, I guess," Techno mumbled and sat down, continuing to work. Tubbo frowned and went to throw something away, freezing at the trash can.

"Dad, there's like, the entire box of coffee cans in here-"


"Did you even sleep last night?" Tubbo asked. When he got no response, he looked up to find Techno zoned out as he worked, "Dad?"


"You didn't get any sleep last night, did you."


Tubbo just sighed and walked over, "Are you even listening to me?"

"Of course," Techno mumbled and sipped his coffee.

"Dad, I think I got someone pregnant."

Techno choked and spat out his coffee, "You what! Tubs, I- You could have at least used protection-"

"Not actually! But the girls at school keep trying to talk to me and I don't know what to say but that's not what we're talking about!"

"Why would you scare me like that, Tubbo!" Techno groaned and got up, holding a rag under the sink faucet, "The window's gonna get all sticky from the coffee and I won't be able to sit there anymore..."

"Because you weren't listening to me! I- I panicked and just said the first crazy thing!" Tubbo crossed his arms as Techno wiped the window, "Besides, you've had way too much coffee."

"I can't smoke, I can't drink, I can't move too much, and now I can't have coffee? Soon you're gonna say I'm breathing too much," Techno grumbled as he stood up.

"You need to rest, Dad. I know you got a promotion and I'm proud of you, but please get some rest," Tubbo said and hugged his arm.

Techno paused and looked down at him, "I'm fine, Tubs. You and Tommy both have college coming up pretty soon, you should be focusing on that. Have you applied to any colleges yet?"

"Well- No, but-"

"Then stop worrying so much about me, Tubs," Techno smiled and ruffled his hair, "I'm working so you don't have to when you're in college. You should be able to focus on your courses without balancing a job. You'll thank me one day."

Tubbo watched as Techno sat down and continued to work, "I won't have anyone to thank if you work yourself to death!"

Techno didn't respond, slightly flinching when Tubbo left with a huff and shut his door closed. 

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