Part #19-I'll be back

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Wilbur remembered those words. He always heard that sentence in his dreams, whether they were nightmares or not. She was always there too, but recently she was becoming a haze.

His mum loved it, she made sure he had a good childhood in the short time he was with her. He didn't get why she left him until he was older, much much older.

She just couldn't take care of him, whether that was mentally or financially. He didn't really know, but those words always haunted him. He bounced from home to home, always returning to his social worker with teary eyes or a scowl. Towards the end it was a scowl, why agree to take in a child if you weren't prepared to love them? So, Wilbur built up his walls of trusting no one, for they could all leave you at the drop of a hat.

He remembered the day he'd arrived at Dad's door. Techno opened the door slightly and then closed it quickly, he was much more shy back then. Dad opened the door almost immediately after and invited him in, apologizing profusely about Techno. He didn't have to, Wilbur took one look at the younger boy and knew he'd been through the same. To finally find a good home was rare and they both didn't want to lose it.

They bonded over that feeling of hope, that maybe this would be the end of their constantly shifting worlds. When Tommy came into the picture only a year later, Wilbur welcomed him with open arms. He doted on the three year old, playing with him constantly. Techno was hesitant, but he slowly came to love the boy, in Techno's weird way of showing affection.

The older pair knew about the financial state of the family, so as soon as Wilbur turned 15 he got a job. He and Techno swore that they'd make sure Tommy got a better life than they had, he wouldn't have to worry about money or dinner. He'd be normal, something they couldn't have.

So, he worked and balanced school, Techno helping him with his homework. Techno was smart, too smart for his own good sometimes. Wilbur worked for him too, hoping that one day Techno could live a semblance of a normal life too, maybe even go to college and start a good life.

One day, he heard those words again, but it was a different scene playing out. Tommy was crying because of some trip Techno was going on. Wilbur clenched his fist, for a second thinking Techno was lying to Tommy's face, because his mum had said the same thing to him. Those damned words would never leave him, would they? From then on, he always had this twinge of doubt in his family. Would they leave him too? No, no they wouldn't. Would they?

He set his eyes on a new goal, he stopped working as hard and dropped his studies. He had to get out, had to leave before they left him. That's how the world just worked, his foster families had left him in the past, his mum, his dad. It was only a matter of time. He wanted to see the world, constantly moving. That was the only way to feel safe, to never hear those words again.

"I'll be back soon. Just stay and wait, ok?"

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