Part #14-The Sparkle

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Techno had watched his brother grow since Dad had brought him home. He was eight when the three-year-old blonde entered his life, changing his life forever. Techno remembered staying far away from the boy, children were never his strong suit. As years went by, the annoying, loud boy began to tear at Technos defenses.

Techno smiled to himself as he remembered the first time Tommy woke him up. He'd been so annoyed, but something about Tommy made him calm down and comfort the boy. Tommy was crying, and oddly, it hurt him as well. He just couldn't explain it, other than he had fallen in love with the child, brotherly of course.

The next memory was when Tommy came home battered and bruised. Techno always had a knack for hiding his emotions, but seeing Tommy in such a state made hiding his anger much more difficult. After that, he taught Tommy some form of self-defense, much to Dad's dismay. He'd been so proud when Tommy came home and told Techno how he'd been able to stand up for himself and fight back. Tommy got a week's detention, but the way his eyes lit up was something Techno would never forget.

Techno remembered when he had to leave for a high school trip for a week and how devastated Tommy was. The poor boy cried for an hour, he thought Techno was abandoning him, like his parents. Techno sat there the entire time and reassured him he was coming back, that no matter what he'd always come back to him. Tommy trusted him, but Techno knew the small thought of Techno never returning stayed in his mind. He promised Tommy he'd get him a gift and returned with a wooden slingshot. Tommy lost that slingshot within a week after he almost shot out Wilbur's eye.

"Hello? Techno? Are you there?" Techno snapped out of his memories, the smile on his lips disappearing. He looked at Tommy, an angry look on the boy's face, "Did you not hear anything I was saying? Do I have to start over?"

"Sorry, I zoned out. My bad," Techno gave him a smile, he watched the boy huff and restart his monologue. Something about a war with Wilbur, he couldn't remember, he was too focused on the boy's eyes. Tommy always had a sparkle in his eyes when he was passionate about something.

Techno silently vowed that he'd keep that sparkle there. He wasn't personally Christian, but God have mercy on the person that tried to take the joy out of Tommy's eyes.

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