Part #28- The Lost Boy

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Tubbo didn't mean to miss the bus. He got caught up in his thoughts and when he snapped out, the bus was already pulling away. He settled on walking home, he knew his address, it couldn't be too hard to get there.

He was slightly annoyed at himself. The one day I don't charge my phone and it dies and it happens to be me missing the bus, he thought and looked up, These buildings look kinda familiar?

Techno had recently been able to start working at home. He was sitting by the window reading a book, waiting for Tubbo to get home. Yet the front door never opened. Techno kept glancing at the clock, then his phone, then outside, before reading only a couple of pages and repeating the same process. After an hour, he bookmarked the page and set it down, his panic starting to rise exponentially. He checked his phone once again but knew there were no notifications. Grabbing his coat, he started running his mind through possible situations before forcing himself to stop. I'm sure he's fine.

Tubbo was not fine, he was most definitely not fine. He kept wandering and when he went to backtrack, he found himself even more lost. The grey buildings all looked the same and the crowds kept moving, meaning he couldn't stop to get a bearing on his surroundings. Tubbo just wanted to be home with his dad and the thought of never seeing him again made Tubbo cry. He made his way to the side of the building and sat and cried. Eventually, a kind woman stopped and led him to a police station.

Techno was racking his brain trying to think of everywhere Tubbo could have gone. He checked his school, the way back home, a block radius around the way back home, he called his friend's parents, yet there was no Tubbo. He hadn't been this worried since Tommy had gone missing, those two were alike in so many ways. He was on his way to the ice cream place they usually went to when he got a phone call. Frantically, he answered, "Hello?"

"Dad? I-I'm sorry- I missed the bus and- and I got lost..." Tubbo was sitting in a chair with a police officer behind him.

"Oh thank god, where are you?" Techno nearly fainted from relief. When Tubbo gave him the address he went into auto pilot mode. Before he knew it, he was at the front door.

Tubbo saw Techno walk in and he got up and ran over, catching the man off guard, "Dad! I'm sorry- I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to get lost so please don't send me back I- I- I-"

Techno quickly knelt down and pulled Tubbo into a tight hug, cutting him off. Tubbo realized that Techno was slightly shaking, but he made no move to let go.

"D-Dad?" Tubbo was bracing for angry words.

Techno pulled away hesitantly, "I... I was so worried. Please, please, text me if you miss the bus. Or call or get an adult. Don't walk home. Not in New York," Techno was desperately trying to stop himself from shaking, but failing. He gave Tubbo another tight hug but pulled away shortly after. "Are you hurt?" Panic flooded his mind once more and he started looking over Tubbo.

"Dad I'm ok, don't worry. Oh! That nice lady brought me here," Tubbo turned and smiled at Niki.

"Thank you so much, if there's anything I can do-"

Niki just smiled and cut him off, "No, no. It's fine. Tubbo was a treat to look after."

Techno sighed, "Well if you ever need something then just tell me," he internally debated on giving her his phone number, but decided that could be taken the wrong way and settled on his email.

Taking Tubbo's hand, he let the boy wave goodbye to Niki before taking him home. Every so often he turned and looked at Tubbo just to reassure himself that he was safe and with him.

When they arrived home, Techno laid out more ground rules. If Tubbo wants to go somewhere he has to text or call first, if something happens he has to call Techno or a trusted adult, and he can never walk home alone. Tubbo agreed and hugged Techno one more time before going to his room to do homework.

Techno watched him go and went to read his book, but he was still too shaken and set it down after a page. He leaned back and covered his face, That was too close. He honestly didn't know what he'd do if he lost Tubbo. That night, he let Tubbo pick dinner and got him ice cream. When Tubbo finally came down from his sugar rush and fell asleep, Techno peaked in and watched him for a few minutes before going to bed.

Techno didn't get a lot of sleep that night, instead checking Tubbo after every little noise or bump.

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