Story #7-Drunken Concerns

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Theres drinking in this chapter

Phil sat at the kitchen table, staring at the front door. Wil had gone out and he was supposed to be home 3 hours ago. Phil wanted to trust Wil, to know that maybe his son had just stayed over at his friends house and was perfectly fine and sober. That hope vanished as he heard someone struggling to open the door. He watched Wil stumble in, nearly tripping over himself.

"Ohheyy Daad." Wilbur slurred, a smile splayed in his lips. He gave Phil a small wave, "You didn't, didn't uh," he started to giggle," didn't have to stayup."

Phil just sighed, "Wil, it's 3 am. Where have you been?" He moved from his seat to help the drunk mess to his room.

"I's was out with some friends. They're really, really, really, really nice people."

"Wil, you're grounded."

"I'm whaat? You shouldn't be so harsh, it's only 3 am."

"You're grounded Wil. I don't want you hanging out with these... friends of yours. They're a bad influence."

In a brilliant stroke of word association, Wil responded, "I think you're just being a bitch!"

Phil looked stunned, "You're still grounded Wil. I'm your father, we can talk more about it in the morning."

"Ifff this is how you treat me, then I wish you weren't my dad, bitch!"

With that, Phil closed the door behind him and went to check on his other boys. Tommy was still asleep, thankfully, but he found Techno awake at his desk.

"Techno, go to bed, it's 3 am-"

"Wils back right?"


"Then off to bed for me. I didn't want to get awoken by you shaking me again. I was having a good dream too."

Phil just let out a huff and closed the door. Wil didn't mean what he said, did he? He was just drunk, that wasn't actually Wil... right?

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